MoF Day 19: Freezing

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**The antithesis of the last chapter as far as temperature goes, but still fluffy. Also, I've been writing on my phone a lot so forgive me if there are any more typos than usual and its a little short. Oops. Enjoy!**

Peter hated the cold. He hated the way cold air could push through sweaters and jackets to chill him to the bone and how New York froze over for a solid month and a half. Cold made Peter lazy and lethargic, but despite being exhausted all the time, Peter found himself unable to get comfortable enough to sleep when the temperature was below 40.

Which is why Peter was curled in bed at 3:30am, his blankets piled a mile high. The teen scrunched his toes together to try and get his blood pumping, but it did little to help. Pulling at the blankets, Peter tightened them around his chin.

"Shit," he cursed quietly. "Shit, it's cold."

Making sure the blankets were tight around his body, Peter scooted out of bed and padded across his room. Thick, fuzzy socks muffled the sound of his footsteps as he moved through the hall, which was probably for the better seeing as waking up the Avengers at 3:30 was the worst possible idea. Once, when Peter had first moved into the Tower, he'd gotten up in the middle of the night for water and was tackled by 4 groggy superheroes thinking he was a burglar.

Peter flicked on the light in the kitchen and quickly brought his hand back under the safety of his blankets. FRIDAY was programmed to dim all lights in the Penthouse after midnight, but even in the dimmed light, Peter could make out the cabinets and refrigerator.

Peter got out the milk and chocolate powder and a mug, all as quietly as possible, and started a pot on the stove. He slowly poured the milk into the pan, and stirred in way too much chocolate powder for just one mug of cocoa.

It didn't take long for the milk to heat, and pretty soon Peter was filling his mug happily, his hand poking out from the blankets.

Setting the pot back on the stove, Peter made to grab his mug, but his mountain of blankets knocked into the pot as he turned and sent it crashing to the floor. Instantly, Peter froze, his cocoa forgotten as the sounds of several people getting up reached his ears.

"Shit," the teen cursed quietly.

"Peter?" Natasha was the first one at the end of the hall, her hair pulled back into a messy bun, her eyes blurry with sleep. "What are you doing up?"

Tony and Steve joined the ex-assassin in the doorframe, both sporting intense bed-head and sloppy pajamas. "Peter?" the billionaire asked.

"Sorry, guys. I was just-" a chill ran down the teen's spine, making him convulse slightly. "-cold. I wanted cocoa."

Tony's eyes softened. "Oh. Why didn't you come wake me up? I could have turned up the heater for you." After a long, drawn out fight over the thermostat setting, which ultimately led to half the team moving out for a short time, Tony had moved the temperature controls into his and Pepper's bedroom.

"I didn't want to bother," Peter mumbled, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"Come on, kid," Tony waved the teen down the hall, he, Natasha, and Steve heading down to their rooms. Peter trudged after Tony, his cocoa left behind on the counter, and his blankets making a swoosh noise as it dragged over the ground.

Tony pushed his door open slowly, letting his body weight fall against the wood. "Come on," Tony said again, gesturing for Peter to follow him in.

The teen was careful not to make too much noise as he followed Tony in. Pepper was still in bed, but she sat up halfway, propped up by her elbow, and watched as Tony crawled into bed. "What happened?"

"Peter dropped a pot, he was making cocoa."

"He was up?" Pepper asked, motherly concern coming through in her tone. "Was he cold?"

Tony just nodded, collapsing into his pillow. "-ee ne-ds teet."

Pepper, who spoke fluent sleepy Tony, nodded in understanding. "He needs heat. Come here, hun, get in."

The woman scooted to the edge of the bed, patting the middle of the bed between her and Tony.

Peter looked unsure for a moment, then gave in and crawled into the bed, spreading his blankets over Tony and Pepper as he did so. The two adults scooted in closer to Peter, wrapping the boy in heat and hugs. It was like an instant fix as Peter felt his toes and fingers heat up. The heat spread up Peter's legs and arms, going as far as his chest.

The teen wiggled into Tony and Pepper's embrace, sighing in pleasure as he finally relaxed.

"Feeling better?" Tony asked.

Peter hummed, letting sleep pull him into unconsciousness. Tony waited for a moment, then whispered to the teen.

"Peter? Peter. He's asleep."

Pepper smiled. "Finally. FRIDAY? Can you take a picture?"

The AI confirmed the picture was taken, and Pepper thanked her. "Bedtime now?"

Tony snored in response.

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