The Oldest of The Barton Kids

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**Request for tessalucy where Clint and Laura have 4 kids, and the oldest of those 4 is Peter. When the Avengers head to the Barton farm during the battle with Ultron, everyone gets a glimpse of the oldest Barton kids and just how special he is. Thanks for this request, it was so much fun! Enjoy!**

Clint was the first to suggest the team retreat to the farm and regroup. It was a surprising plan mostly because Clint had never invited anyone home to the farm ever. For 'safety reasons'.

With Ultron running rampant and the city in utter chaos, the team was starting to lose... badly. They needed a new plan of action for fighting the robotic army and the Tower was already completely overrun. Clint whispered into his coms, just barely audible over the crashing and burning and screaming.

"We can go to my house."

The team didn't fight him on it, just ran towards the designated meeting spot and hoped they could get to the farm before the army caught on to them fleeing.

"I've never been to your house," Steve remarked lightly as he found himself a seat and settled into the plane.

Clint let out a huff of air. "That's because no one has ever been to the farm."

"Besides me," Natasha said."

"Besides her."

Clint went back to the planes navigational controls. Since it was an older, SHIELD-owned plane, it wasn't as risky as a Stark plane or the Quinjet. There was less chance of Ultron taking over and crashing the entire team into the ground this way, and anything that meant less chance of crashing into the ground was looking pretty good to the team right about now.

"Are we going to meet the missus finally?" Tony asked, falling into a seat heavily. He threw back his head and arms, like he was draped over the chair rather than sitting in it.

"Seeing as she lives there, I would assume so, Stark."

Clint was obviously not in a talking mood, so the team fell into a comfortable silence and dozed off to the hum of the plane, excited to be taking a small break from the biggest fight they'd ever taken on.


The plane touched down quietly on a little strip of asphalt just off a highway. A little shack, almost barn like, stood a few feet away from where Clint had landed them. He got out and pulled some keys from his pocket, fiddled with the locks on the barn door, and then flung them open to reveal a flat-bed truck parked inside.

"Let's go."

The team had to really cram to all fit in the truck. Clint, Natasha, and Tony all sat in the cabin, Steve, Bruce, and Thor taking the old-school route and hopping in the bed.

"How far until the farm?" Steve yelled through the window on the back of the cabin as they flew down the highway.

Clint shrugged. "10- 15 minutes?"

Steve held up a thumb to signal he'd heard him, then turned around and sat back comfortably in the bed. It'd been a while since Steve had ridden like this - no seat belt, no roof, just wind in his hair and open roads. It was too short a trip for Steve's liking, but the rest of the team was antsy to get out of the truck. As much as Steve loved riding in the truck bed, Bruce was bruised in all the wrong places, and nearly jumped out of the truck before it could come to a complete stop.

Laura was waiting for them.

"Hey, hun." Clint gave her a quick kiss, then turned to the team.

"Everyone, this is my wife, Laura."

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