In Which Steve Pays A Visit

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**A/N: Just an idea I had of a way Flash learns his lesson. It's super long, but its cute at the end and that makes up for it, right?**

It was a typical Tuesday at school, and Peter was wishing it would just be over by now. He had barely slept the night before, staying out passed his curfew and getting chewed out by his mom, and then had to finish a paper for English. All said and done, Peter had only slept a maximum of 3 hours.

The sleep deprivation wasn't a huge problem, Peter was pretty used to it by now. His father stayed up late, too.

The only reason this particular Tuesday was worse than any other sleepy day was Flash. The bully had been in rare form from the minute the first bell had rung. Peter had been taking the brunt of the attacks the whole day, resulting in a few bruised ribs, some bruises on his chest and arms, and a broken finger (courtesy of one of Flash's goons slamming Peter's locker on his hand).

While some people might've been out of commission after the first couple bruised ribs, but Peter was used to getting knocked around during his time as Spiderman. He was trudging along the day, silently waiting for his body to heal and for the last bell to rang.

Finally, the sweet sound of the bell came, and Peter nearly knocked over his chair standing up so quickly. He raced to his locker, Ned quick on his heels.

"Are we still on for Legos this weekend?" Ned opened his locker and tossed his books in, not caring if they landed nicely or not. Peter nodded his head, struggling with his books as he babied his left pointer finger.

"Dude," Ned said seriously, taking his friend's bag from him. The friend in question sucked in a breath as his hand caught on the backpack's straps and pulled his hand into his chest. "This is getting totally out of hand, pun intended."

Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, I've had much worse. Besides, if it wasn't me, they'd go after someone else, and there is no way I am letting that happen."

"What if it needs to be set? What if it heals funny and you can't use it again?"

"I picked up some things from Bruce," Peter shrugged. "It's totally fine, doesn't need to be set and its already starting to heal. I'll be fine by morning time."

Ned knew he wouldn't win this one, so instead, he just huffed and threw the rest of Peter's stuff into the locker.

"Oi, Puny Parker!" Before Ned and Peter had time to process what was about to happen, Ned was pushed away and Peter felt his head slam against the lockers next to him.

"How's it going, huh? Excited to back to whatever little apartment you call home? How's life treating you, poor, puny, pathetic Parker."

That was Peter's cover. He was a kid from Queens, living in an apartment with his 'Aunt". His parents didn't want the press to know about Peter yet, seeing as the shy boy would most likely be accosted by paparazzi the minute people knew about him, and the flashing lights and yelling would more likely than not spark a sensory overload.

The skinny boy didn't bother with a reply. If he said anything, Flash would lash out at him for "back talking" but if he kept silent, the bully would lash out for Peter "ignoring" him. It was a lose-lose situation.

"I'm talking to you!" Flash pushed Peter into the locker harder, making the second boy wince as his hand got smashed again. Flash pulled him closer, then punched him in the face. Peter's eyes watered from the impact on his nose, and he blinked a few times in pain, while falling to his knees in pain.

"Loser," Flash spat, then walked away.

Ned hurried to Peter, holding him up and checking him out. "Are you okay? Is your hand okay? Your ribs?"

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