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**A request from Spidypool1 who (thankfully) cured my writers block! Hopefully this is what you had in mind!**

Peter had been close with his Uncle Loki since his childhood, though they had only been publicly close since a few years ago, when Thor had started bringing the 'redeemed' God of Mischief.


Peter played in his room, making his action figures fly around and crash into the aliens, which were played by his teddy bears. His mom was out at a meeting, but the rest of Peter's family was out on a mission. It was Peter's 6th birthday, and he was excited for his birthday dinner later. His daddy promised to be home!

There was a boom from outside, and Peter jumped, feeling scared. He bounced onto his bed, pulling his blankets over his head, and curled into himself, feeling very much afraid. He hated any loud noises. Thunder storms were pretty awful for the child, but explosions in the city were even worse.

The child's face was screwed up in fear, and large tears were rolling down his cheeks.

There was another noise in his room, pulling Peter out of his panic, and he peeked his big, doe eyes out of his blanket.

"Hello?" His room appeared to be empty, and that only made the child cry harder.

"I want my daddy," the child whimpered into his bedding, which was turning a deep, dark blue from his tears.

There was a soft purring noise, and Peter was surprised to see a black cat cuddling up next to him. The boy reached out a trembling and nervous hand, and the kitty craned its neck to get up to his palm. Peter giggled and rubbed the kitties head, only for another explosion to shake the tower, and for Peter to begin bawling again.

"Peter," FRIDAY's voice came on over the speakers in his room. "Your mommy said she'll be up soon, but she's stuck in the elevator right now, which isn't moving."

Peter barely registered the AI's voice and simply continued crying.

The kitty tried getting closer to the boy, nuzzling its way into Peter's arm, but the little boy was too upset to register it, and simply pushed him away. There was a shift in weight, and Peter became aware of a much larger person in his room.

Peter looked up. Sitting on the edge of his bed was a tall, thin man. Dark hair cascaded around the man's shoulders, and his emerald green robes were pooled around him. Peter didn't care if he knew him or not, he simply crawled over to him and wiggled his way into the long arms of the God.

"Hello, little one," Loki murmured. Though he was known for being tough, cold, and unfeeling, there was something about the child that made him melt a little.

Peter cried his little heart out, clutching at the man's robes tightly. After a few moments, he felt better, and pulled his face away from the man's neck.

"I'm sorry, sir, who are you?" The child had a slight lisp, making his question come out more like "I'm sowwy, sir, who ar woo?"

Loki chuckled softly. "I, dear child, am Loki. Who are you?"

"Peter," the boy sniffled. "Peter Stark."

Loki's eyes widened slightly. "I know your father well, young Peter, he is a good man."

Peter smiled. "My daddy is the best, he makes the most yummy grilled cheeses!"

Loki smiled and then picked up one of the toys Peter had discarded on the floor. "Who's this?"

"That's Uncle Steve!" Peter's face, still red and splotchy from crying, split into a grin.

Loki laughed lightly. For most children, this action figure would be Captain America, but for this little boy, it was 'Uncle Steve'.

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