Familiar Faces

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**This was requested in a comment but I can't find it and I want to tag who ever asked for it, but I don't remember which chapter it was on and there's so many comments on this book :( Anyways, I'm super obsessed with identity reveals right now so this is pretty much just that. I'm also writing this on my phone (I'm at the emergency vet with my cat) so please excuse any spelling mistakes or errors. I'll probably do a part two when it's not 3am and I'm not waiting for my cat to come back out from the vet. Enjoy!**

The music blared through the speakers in the lab, the base beats making flasks and beakers shake. Peter didn't mind, though, he was used to making his web solution in the chaotic environment.

Tony was a little ways away, working on a car engine from a new car he's just got. Well, an old car he'd just got. It was a sleek 1950's Rolls, something of a gift for Steve's birthday coming up. Peter never got used to the sight of Tony Stark in cargo shorts and an oil stained wife-beater. Tony Stark was practically synonymous with suits and ties, especially after all the years as a prominent figure in public eye. Then again, Peter had never seen Tony so relaxed or so happy as he looked while humming along to classic rock and working on an old engine.

Tony caught Peter looking over and shot the teen a smile. "How's it going, kid?"

"Fine," Peter said. "How's the car? Think you can get her humming again?"

Tony just laughed in that I-can-do-anything kind of way. "Oh, I know I can get her humming."

"And that's why I don't hang out down here anymore."

Tony and Peter both looked up at Rhodey, who had just entered the lab. "Platypus!" Tony said happily. "FRIDAY, cut the music."

The music went off, leaving the lab uncomfortably quiet.

"What's up?" Tony asked.

Rhodey's face was serious in a matter of seconds. "We got him. He's downstairs, waiting for us."

Tony's face was serious now, too, and Peter briefly wondered if something was wrong, but the teen shook the thought away. No way would Tony have been this relaxed just a matter of minutes ago if there was something seriously wrong.

"Peter, stay here for a bit. I gotta go see someone." Tony tried not to let his anxiety bleed into his words, but Peter was too perceptive for that.

"What's wrong?" the teen asked.

"Nothing," Tony said, a little too quickly. "I'm just going to go take care of something with Rhodes."

The two men left and Peter stared after them. "FRIDAY?" he asked.

"Yes, Peter?"

"What's going on downstairs?"

The AI didn't reply right away. "I am not at liberty to say."

Peter slumped forward in his chair, pouting a little as he continued to mix up the web fluid. He finished it easily, then set it aside and rested his head on the table. It was cold against his cheek.

"Hey, FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Peter?"

"You can't tell me about downstairs, but... can you tell me where the rest of the team is?" The AI seemed to catch on to what Peter was getting at and hummed.

"Why, yes I can, Peter."

"Great! Is the rest of the team downstairs?"


"In the gym?"


Peter thought for a moment. "Are they in the offices?"


And so the game of Clue began, with Peter asking about various locations and team members until he started to get the picture. The entire team was in the holding cells of the basement, interrogating someone of unknown identity about their work with and for HYDRA.

Peter had hit a roadblock then, and couldn't figure out anything else no matter how much prodding and digging he did. The man the team was interrogating was under strict security clearances, and Peter wasn't quite there yet.

"FRIDAY, I'm gonna head downstairs."

"I'm sorry, Peter, but I cannot allow you out of the lab, per Boss's orders." FRIDAY, bless her, actually sounded sorry.

Peter smiled crookedly. "I'm just heading to the bathroom."

The doors to the lab clicked open.

"I just didn't say which one," Peter whispered to himself as he slunk into the hall. The basement was dark and cold, and Peter had only been down there once before. He could only hope he was headed in the right direction as he tried to figure out where the team might be.

There was a very telling bang from down the hall and Peter decided that was probably his best bet right now.

The team was indeed gathered at the end of the hall, each one filing into the special reinforced room. Peter waited a bit before following them so he wasn't spotted. When he was finally sure the coast was clear, he crept down the hall and peered through the small window in the door. There, strapped into a chair, was a man with long, dark hair. For a moment, Peter didn't recognize him, but then he moved and the hair fell away.

Peter was through the door before he even thought about his actions.


The man in the chair looked up, his eyes cold and dark. The team all moved as if to protect Peter, but as soon as the man saw Peter, his eyes lit up in recognition and he relaxed.


The teen was in the mans arms in a flash as the man ripped his restraints off and clung to Peter like he was a life-line.

"Oh, Peter, thank God!" Jamie was crying now, his eyes swimming with tears. Peter wasn't holding it together much better - he was blubbering as tears and snot rolled down his face.

"I don't mean to intrude," Steve started, stepping forward. "But what is going on? Peter, that's the Winter Soldier. Bucky Barnes."

Peter let out a wet laugh. "I know!"

Tony stepped forward and put a hand on Peter's shoulder firmly. "Pete, I don't know what's going on right now, but I asked yoj to stay in the lab for a reason. Bucky is still under the influence of HYDRA, he's very dangerous."

Peter hugged Bucky - Jamie tighter. "Team, this isn't the Winter Soldier right now. This is Jamie, my older brother."

"Older brother?" Tony asked.

"Jamie?" Steve repeated.

Peter and Bucky both laughed at that and looked at one another. It was going to be a long night full of long stories, but at least they had one another again and nothing - not even HYDRA - could take that away again.

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