Codename: Little Princess

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**Request for Spider_writer3000 with all of our favorite tropes. Field trips, Morgan, and an identity reveal. I hope this is what you were looking for, I know I had a good time writing it! Enjoy!**

Peter let his head fall against the seat in front of him. The cold, fake-leather of the bus seats was somewhat relaxing, especially because Peter was suddenly overheating with anxiety. The teen hated moments like these - moments that blurred his multiple lives together. Once, when Peter was much younger, May had come to the school for a book fair and saw Flash push Peter down. Ever since then, Peter had tried as best he could to keep this lives separate. No need for anyone to know anything else about his life.

"You okay?" Peter jumped at Ned's voice.

"I'm fine. I hate this whole trip."

Ned looked sympathetic, but Peter knew that Ned was excited to see the Tower. Despite Ned spending the night with Peter there sometimes, and the Fridays they worked on projects with Tony, Ned had never been on a tour and was looking forward to the experience.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Peter said quickly. "I'm just being overdramatic. You've never been on the tour before, right?"

Ned shook his head. "Nope! But I asked around and apparently, we aren't going anywhere above the 1st level of labs. The school tour doesn't take anyone higher than that."

Peter hummed. There was something reassuring about that, but also deeply worrying. If Tony caught word Peter was in the Tower, Peter had no doubt Tony would either make an appearance on the lower levels, or Peter would be whisked up to one of the highest levels. Neither of those options seemed very good when trying to keep secrets.

"Then we'll have a good time watching lower level interns struggle to work on things." Peter gave Ned his best smile, and was thankful when Ned took it and returned one of his own.

The bus lurched suddenly and Peter looked outside. Sure enough, they were pulling up to the Tower, the bus rocking to a stop in front of the main lobby doors. Peter steeled himself as best he could and waited for his turn to get off the bus, Ned following behind him.

The lobby was just as awe-inspiring as the rest of the building. Sleek glass desks and high-energy workers in suits were jetting around the lobby. A couple noticed Ned and Peter, and they waved a little. Thankfully, those who saw them just assumed the workers were waving at the class as a whole.

"Welcome, Midtown!" Peter didn't recognize the intern coming towards them, but he noticed her badge was blue - she was from Pepper's office rather than one of the R & D labs. "My name is Melanie and I'll be the tour guide today. What do you guys think of the lobby so far?"

The class tittered with their happy thoughts, each one saying how impressive the lobby was. Melanie laughed.

"Yes, it's quite something. Just wait till we start getting to the labs."

The class followed Melanie through the lobby and to the elevators. "Right this way, kids. Now, before we can get going, we need to go through a security check with the Tower's AI, FRIDAY. FRIDAY controls everything from the elevators to the coffee machines. When you pass through, she'll ready your names out loud and take a quick scan so she can follow us through the building. This is important so she knows where people are at all times and can keep an eye on everyone."

The intern smiled brightly and invited the class through the sensor in front of the elevator bay.

"Hello, class!" FRIDAY welcomed cheerfully. "I'm happy to make your acquaintance." Flash pushed his way to the front and went through the scanner first, shooting his posse a cocky smirk over his shoulder. "Eugene 'Flash' Thompson," FRIDAY announced. Flash didn't even protest her using his full name. He was too excited to have his name said at all by Tony Stark's personal AI.

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