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**Request for galexy_404 who is so kind and great for not being mad that this is literally forever late!!! This one was really heartwarming to write, so thanks for such a good prompt! Enjoy!**

"You sure you want to go today?" Aunt May put a couple fingers under Peter's chin and pulled up, making the teen sitting at the kitchen table look up at her. "I could try calling you in."

"No," Peter sighed, pulling out of her grasp and looking back down at his food. "They told me last week that I could't miss anymore days, no excuses."

May didn't reply, just pursed her lips and went back over to the stove to pull the bacon off. Turning around, she found that Peter was no where to be seen.


"Sorry, May," Peter called from the bathroom. "I'm just fixing my hair before school."

It was an obvious lie, and May knew it. It was May 14th. The anniversary of Ben's death. It was going to be a hard day for both of the Parkers, but for Peter, it was going to be worse.

The teen blamed himself for his Uncle's death. It was no secret how much he hated himself for that day, for not doing something, for not saving him.

The two mourning Parkers finished breakfast, then both of them left and Peter headed for school.

Peter kind of liked the thought of going to school at first. He'd be able to distract himself. How can someone feel so awful and so sad when they were balancing chemistry questions and solving calculus problems?

That being said, his happier thoughts, and hopeful wishing, dwindled with every step he took towards the high school. Swarms of students poured into the doors, and the sounds of yelling and laughter was almost overwhelming to the brunet boy.

An older student, probably a senior, pushed past Peter, knocking his shoulder. "Sorry," he called over his shoulder, but Peter was frozen in place, thinking back to that day. The burglar had pushed past Peter's shoulder, just like that.

"Peter?" Ned's soft voice pulled the teen out of his thoughts, and he snapped back to reality.

"Hey, Ned."

"I wasn't expecting to see you today." Peter knew why his friend wouldn't have expected him. He'd skipped this day at school for the last 2 years.

"Ever since the internship I've been missing some more days, and the school said I couldn't miss anymore. No exceptions."

Ned scowled. "That's bullshit, dude."

"I know," Peter sighed. "I can't do anything about it, so now I just have to deal with the day as it comes."

Ned nodded slowly. "I'll stick by your side, k?"

"Hey, you're the man in the chair, right?"

The two made their way inside, trying their best to maneuver the crowded halls and waves of students. Once they were at their lockers, Ned went about putting his books away, while Peter just leaned against his. He had nothing to put away anyways.

Over the heads of the other students, the spiderling saw Flash and subconsciously tensed. He hadn't thought of the bully at all, but now that he was there, he was starting to worry about what the day might have in store.

Ned followed his friend's line of sight, catching a glimpse of Flash. "Come on, Pete, let's go."

The two headed the opposite way of the bully, going the long way to chem.


Ned dropped his lunch tray on the table with a soft thud. Peter and MJ, who were both seated already, looked up at their friend.

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