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**Request for someone_4u where the Avengers do some training and forget about their youngest teammate. Hope this is what you are looking for, I took some liberties in the plot! Omg it's so long, I am so sorry, I just fell in love with the idea once I got started. Enjoy!**

Tony straightened up, clapping his hands together. "Should be good to go now."

The team leaned in to the small room, looking around. It didn't seem too different, but who were they to judge Tony's handiwork.

"I outfitted it to push as much of Peter's powers as possible. Its got super-imposed lighting, so we get that hazy red, and I did it up with a randomization algorithm to test his spider-sense. We have illusion holograms, too, so he'll keep climbing around the room. There's a few other things in there, too, but I think I covered most of it."

Steve nodded his head. "We just want to see how he does in an hour, Stark. This is a baseline test to get an idea of what he's capable of."

Tony shrugged. "I don't really care what you all want to do. Ask him if you can run the tests, he says yes, you can use this room."

The team all waved the man off. They knew how to ask a literal child if they could run tests. As if sensing that he was a topic of discussion, Peter bounced down the hall, his eyes bright and searching. He'd only met the team a few weeks before, he was still a little star-struck by them.

"Hiya, Mr. Stark! Hi, team!"

Tony ruffled the teen's hair. "Hey, kiddo. I'm gonna work on some catch up work for Pep, you still good for training today?"

Peter nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Great. I'll be in my lab if you need me, I'm just going to be doing paperwork and boring reports and signing off on some projects."

Tony said his goodbyes, then headed down the hall and around the corner.

"So," Peter started excitedly. "What are we doing today?"

Natasha almost smiled at the boy's tone, Clint just barely catching the hint of her feelings on her face before she hid them again.

"Well, we're all going down to the big gym to spar and train with each other," Steve started. "We have something special for you, though. We don't really know a lot about your powers yet, so we set up a special room for you. It's designed to test your abilities and measure your bio-metrics. Think you can do that?"

Peter's smile faltered slightly. He thought he was going to get to train with the team, not on his own. After a split second, he smiled again.

"Sure! How long do you need me to do the test?"

Steve smiled back warmly. "Not long, maybe an hour?"

Peter nodded. "Okay."

The team headed downstairs to the gym and Peter wandered into the dark room. For a minute, nothing happened.

Then, out of no where, there was a barrage of bullets and harsh bursts of cold water, Peter's Spider Sense warning him just before they went off. The teen launched himself up into the air, then landed on nimble toes and fingers, dodging the projectiles and terrible shots of water.

Suddenly, the floor seemingly shifted and Peter panicked, thinking the floor might be giving out. He shot a web to a far corner, flinging himself to the wall and scrambling to the safety of the ceiling.

Just as he started to breath normally again, sharp spikes began to pop out from the ceiling, startling the boy and chasing him around the wall.

Another barrage of bullets.

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