Class Policy

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Peter's head lolled to the desk under his arms with a dull thud. Ned, who had been keeping an eye on his friend closely for the whole day, tapped him on the shoulder. This startled the poor teen, and Peter threw his head up, nearly knocking Ned's chin in the process.

"Woah," Ned hissed. "Chill out, man."

The two teens glanced at their teacher, an elderly man they absolutely couldn't stand, to make sure he hadn't noticed their little whispered conversation. The man was droning on, ignoring the fact that no one was paying attention.

"Why are you so sleepy?" As soon as the two boys thought they were in the clear, Ned had started interrogating his friend.

"Just been a long week," Peter said, his statement punctuated by a yawn down the middle. "Tony and I have been working on this crazy new proposal, and its taking us forever to work out the last bug, so I've been staying at the Tower since last Wednesday."

"Dude, that's so freaking cool, but also, you need sleep. You haven't looked this dead since that week after the Vulture."

Peter winced. "Don't remind me, that guy was the worst. It'll be over soon, we just have to push out this new line of StarkPads. Then I'll take a 3 day nap."

Ned smiled at his friend, but there was a certain hint of skepticism in his face. "We both know you'll finish this project and start a new one right away."

"It's part of the job. Tony likes to keep things going, and I really don't mind! I can get by on a few hours sleep, I've done it for years now." Peter raised his eyebrows, almost daring Ned to oppose his factual statement about sleep.

"One time, you texted me at 4am to ask what day it was, dude. When you don't sleep, you get weird."

Peter shrugged, and the both of them turned back to their laptops to take notes. By notes, they meant continuing their game of online Tetris, where Ned was winning.

Peter, becoming fed up with his inability to make the blocks do what he wanted in his sleepy state, huffed angrily, before hitting the space bar repeatedly. His blocks fell, one right on top of each other, and before Ned could even place his third block in the game, Peter had hit the top bar and the game ended, neither of the boys scoring any points.

"If I can't win, no one can," Peter mumbled, crossing his arms.

"You're acting like a child, Peter." Ned sat back, crossing his own arms.

"Am not."

"Are so!" Ned whisper shouted, causing the both of them to glance over at the teacher again.

The old man was still rattling on. Something about troop movements during World War 1, and the evolution of warfare. Peter leaned his head back onto his hands, letting his eyelids droop slowly.

"Pete," Ned whined, poking his friend in the side. "You can't fall asleep! Mr. Harris will give you detention!"

Peter nodded and pushed his friend's hand away, but didn't bother moving his head. His eyes were just about to close permanently when his phone began ringing, startling him. He must have forgotten to put it on silent before class, and Welcome To The Jungle started ringing through the room.

Peter scrambled for his phone, dropping it at the feet of his teacher, who was now standing over him.

"I believe class policy is that every phone class that disrupts my lecture will be answered on speaker. If you will, Mr. Parker." Mr. Harris handed Peter his phone, and the sleep-deprived teen looked down at the screen.

IronDad calling

"Uh, this can really- I mean- I don't- don't need to-"

"Now, Mr. Parker." Mr. Harris crossed his arms, looking down at the spiderling with a cold, hard stare.

Peter took a breath, then answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey, I'm not-"

"Peter! What took you so long? I am a busy man you know!"

"Yeah, about that, I-"

"Where are you? I asked FRIDAY to tell you to come down an hour ago!"

"I'm not at the Tower, I'm-" Tony wasn't going to let Peter finish any of his sentences, and quickly cut him off again.

"Not at the Tower? Where did you get to on this fine Sunday?"

"It's Monday, I'm at school."

There was silence on the other end, then the familiar sound of shuffling papers as Tony searched around his desk. There were a couple muffled curses, then Tony called for FRIDAY and tapped some buttons on his phone.

" Wait, what time is it?"

"10am, Tony. You should get some sleep," Peter admonished through pursed lips.

"I did! I napped with you last night!"

"That was Saturday evening, I asked you to head upstairs with me at 5 last night but you said no, so I caught an hour of sleep and went to school. I'll be back at 3, what's up? Why'd you call?" Peter was trying to speed through this conversation as fast as possible. He was already feeling embarrassed enough as is, what with having to answer the call on speaker phone.

"Oh, yeah! I finished the coding! That bug with the far screen reaction speed and the dual touch tracker were both bitches to get through, but I did it. I wanted you to look over the final draft, though, just make sure everything is in place!"

"Can it wait?"

"Nope," Tony said, popping his 'p'. "I already sent Happy to sign you out, I want to get this down to the labs tonight so we can start the plans for the next suit, yeah?"

Peter's eyes lit up, and he immediately started putting his things into his bag. "Yeah, I'd love that! Okay, I'll be there in 30 minutes, we can finalize the plans and send them down to Caleb, then start up the plans for the suit, 'cause I want to add a new protocol to FRIDAY's programming."

"Not this again, Underoos. I'm not putting an 'Old Man' protocol in my suit."

"Oh, so I can't put a nice safety measure in your suit to ease my mind, but you can install a 'Baby Monitor' protocol to keep an eye on me?"

"Which one of us fell out of the window last week?"

Peter fell silent, Ned's startled glare boring into the back of his head.

"And which one of us caused the lab on floor 36 to blow up? Which one of us forgot to close the dishwasher on Tuesday and then tripped over it, breaking their nose and hand in the process."

"I was fine," Peter said hurriedly, not wanting his class to hear anymore. His nose was already healed, and that was suspicious enough. He shoved his pencil pouch into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "I'll see you soon, Tones, heat up some of last nights pizza for me!"

"Stark out!" The line went dead, Peter waved at Ned, then headed out the door. As soon as the brunet was out of the room, everyone rounded on Ned, who was back to playing Tetris.

"We told you guys, Peter is Tony Stark's intern," he said, shrugging slightly.

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