Love and War

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**Request for asandefur05 where Peter is in the 1930's with Steve and Bucky. It was so much freaking fun to write this!!! Please let me know if it was what you were looking for. Sorry for the delay, I wanted it to be accurate and I had so much going on, lol. Seriously, guys, I wanted this to be realistic. Band-aids? Came out in 1920. Conscription cards? All you needed was a name, an age, and a medical exam. I went through the nation archives to find an actual conscription card from the time. Enjoy!**

Steve and James had been friends since before they could remember. Since before they could walk. Since before they went to school and Steve got picked on and James had to step in. They were as close as two boys could be and through thick and thin, they were there for one another.

And then, when Steve had just turned 5 and James had decided to start going by 'Bucky', Peter was born in the house across from Steve's. He was a frail thing, even frailer than Steve, and he had big brown eyes. 'Doe eyes' was what they called them. That was Peter's nickname at home - Doe Eyes. Maybe it was the natural urge to protect that Bucky felt, or maybe it was the way Steve had looked down at the baby when he held him for the first time, but from that day on, the three boys were inseparable.

When school started for Peter and the kids picked on him, pushing him down and calling him 'doe eyes' with malice, Bucky and Steve were there to walk him home and put band-aids on his knees and make him laugh with milk bottles held over their eyes and dirty jokes Bucky heard while working at the malt shop down on Main.

It was only natural. Steve and Bucky were inseparable and they were always watching over Peter. Always.


"Bucky," Peter drawled, his little lisp coming through. He was only 10, which wasn't actually too young, but it felt young to Steve and Bucky at 15. "Why do you and Steve hang around girls so much?"

Bucky shot a look at Steve as he snapped a marble into the ring and knocked one of Peter's out. It was all a game, they always gave the kid his marbles back.

"We like 'em." Steve said.

"We like 'em a lot." Bucky laughed, wiggling his eyebrows at Peter.

"Ewww," Peter scoffed.

The three shot marbles for a while in silence. Peter got a couple of Steve's out. Bucky was a master, nailing most of Peter's out and a few of Steve's. Steve didn't like the competition, so he missed on purpose.

"Do you like girls more than you like me?" Peter asked, looking up at the two with those big doe eyes.

"Definitely not," Bucky said.

"Girls don't shoot marbles," Steve added.

"And you'll always like me?"

There was a beat, and Peter started to worry he'd pushed his luck. He almost pushed himself off his stomach to scurry away when Steve caught his arm and pulled him back under his arms. Bucky hauled himself on top of Steve, dog piling them.

"O'course, Doe Eyes."


Bucky dragged his feet coming home that particular night. He didn't want to face the truth behind his front door. He didn't want to tell Steve. He didn't want to see Peter's eyes blow wide and water and-

The door swung open. Bucky was hit with the smell of home cooking, in particular, the smell of his mother's stew.

"I'm home," he called, kicking off his shoes by the door. "Ma! Can we talk?"

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