Adopts A What Now? Pt. 2

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**By popular request, there's part 2!! In other news, I'm actually sitting on a Miles specific book in my drafts rn, so I'm going to be posting that as well as 3 other fanfics - a Supernatural one, another Marvel one, and a Batfam one - when my term ends in a couple weeks. Expect a lot of Christmas time binge content. In the meantime, though, enjoy this!**

Jefferson wasn't one to get flustered. He was a cop, and if there is one thing cops are known for, it is their steadfast unflappability. Jefferson had seen people be shot point-blank and rescued kidnapped children and broken up gang fights. He had seen people die. He had heard the most gory stories, but...

Jefferson didn't know how to react to this one.

"You're Spiderman?"

Miles nodded, his head bobbing tightly to his chest. "Yes."

"Spiderman. You are Spiderman? The kid in the black and red suit?"

Miles nodded again. "Yep. I can show you if you want."

"Show me?" Jefferson reclined on the bed a little, raising his eyes. His son. Spiderman. Spiderman was his son, it wasn't possible. It wasn't-

Miles threw a web and flipped up until he was dangling in front of his dad. In a blink, he was invisible, and Jefferson gasped. "Oh, my God."

"I've been Spiderman for a while, Dad. I was there the night our Spiderman- the other Spiderman- Peter. When Peter Parker died, I was there. The other Spidermans from the other dimensions helped train me when that thing with Kingpin went down."

Jefferson was nodding along, but Miles could tell. Nothing was getting through to him. The teen lowered himself to the floor and sat back on the bed next to the man. Jeff didn't move until Miles put a hand on his father's shoulder and Jeff jumped a little.

"I just... I can't adopt my own son."

Miles laughed hard. "I know, Dad. That's why I was saying that Spiderman doesn't need to be adopted."

Jefferson ran a hand through his hair and let out an unsteady sigh. "I think... I think we don't tell your mother."

Miles let out a little bark of laughter. "Yeah, I don't think Mama should know."


Rio was looking between her son and her husband over her mug of coffee. After several long nights of arguing, she'd relented to Jeff's plan to adopt the new Spiderman, and now... Nothing. Not a peep. If it was Miles who had said no, Jeff would have been fuming. He would have been yelling, and Miles would have disappeared again. And if Miles had said yes-

Rio wanted to know what was up. Right now.

"Jeff, mi amor, have you worked any more on that thing we talked about last week?" Rio used her nursing voice as if one wrong word might set either Jefferson or Miles off.

Jeff choked on his breakfast toast. "What?"

Rio huffed. "Did you talk to Miles about our plans?"

Miles looked up at his dad. "Plans?" Miles rounded on his mom. "What plans?"

"Jeff," Rio said, drawing out the end of her husband's name. "You didn't tell him?"

Jefferson was looking between his son and his wife with quick eyes, not quite sure what to-

"Oh, wait. Yeah, I remember," Miles said quickly. "Yeah, we talked. It's... cool."

"It's cool?"

"Yeah." Miles shrugged. Jefferson was making faces at Miles, trying to get his attention. God, for being the son of a nurse and a cop, Miles couldn't pick up on clues. Jefferson coughed a little, but no dice. Miles and Rio were staring at each other, Miles looking as nonchalant as he could, Rio looking confused.

"So you're fine with it and your father just let it go. Jeff, baby, you were so adamant."

"I know," Jeff said, playing with his own coffee mug. "I know, but then I got to thinking and I just don't see how we could do it without knowing his identity and we all know Spiderman cares a lot about that."


"You said you had a plan for that," Rio said shortly. "I really don't think you'd give this up so easy. What happened that you aren't telling me? Did you ask him and he said no?"

And Jefferson could have smacked Miles for the next words the teen said.

"He did ask, and he did say no. He has parents, actually."

Jefferson closed his eyes and bit his lip. Too late now. "Yep, he said he didn't need anyone. Said he was good to go."

"Well, not exactly," Miles said. "He just said that he didn't need anymore family. He's got two parents who love him a lot and sometimes it's a little much."

"And you were there?" Rio asked her son.


"With your father." Rio took a sip of coffee as she watched her son panic. Miles had never been very good at lying.

"Who's my father?"

Jefferson put a hand over his face. "Miles, I don't think-"

"Is it that time already?" Miles looked down at his own wrist and started to stand up. "I better be getting to class, I have-"

"Sit down, Miles, it's Saturday." Miles sat back down. Rio fixed him with a glare. "Now, you tell me what happened or so help me, God, I will-"

"Miles said he didn't want to," Jefferson said quickly, hoping to save his son any more of Rio's famously tough questioning. "Miles said he wasn't comfortable and I dropped the idea. Miles is my son and if he says no, then that's that." Jefferson nodded definitively.

Rio looked a little surprised at that. Jefferson was normally so strong. So determined. If he got something in his head, it was going to happen, even if Miles didn't want it. Maybe this was growth. A step in a new direction for Miles and Jeff.

"Oh. Okay." Rio stood up and headed back into the kitchen to refill her coffee mug. As soon as she was out of sight, Jeff leaned across the table.

"You owe me one."

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