MoF Day 22: "Just a poke"

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**We just got to the episode where Zuko stays with that Earth Nation family and then at the end uses firebending and the whole town is like "we hate you!" and he has a lot of emotional growth about his mom and stuff. My dad didn't believe me when I said Zuko had such an amazing redemption arc. Anyways, this is just a silly little drabble, it's kinda short. Sorry, but please enjoy!! And comment ideas! I'm saving my part 2's until after the MoF so I can stretch the cute.**

Peter trudged through the halls, his bag practically dragging on the floor as he made his way to the main office. He was in no hurry, despite the fact that he had less than half an hour to get across town to his appointment.

When Tony finally caught sight of Peter down the hall, the man slumped, his head falling forward in disappointment. He made the motion with his hands like 'hurry up' but Peter just kept going at his slow, painful speed. If anything, he slowed down a little more.

"Are you serious right now?" Tony said when Peter was finally at the end of the hall. The older man had his hands on his hips, with a disapproving look on his face.

"I walked here as fast as I could." Peter looked at his dad with a deadpan expression.

The billionaire just rolled his eyes and put a firm hand on Peter's back. Guiding him out of the building, Tony kept heavy pressure on the teen's back, and despite Peter's efforts to show his pace, to drag his feet, to put more and more of his body weight on Tony's hand, the older man just kept pushing. Peter started to panic.

"I- I, uh- I actually have a test next period! I can't miss it!"

"I'm sure you will make it up next time, Pete." The car loomed closer and Peter seemed to tense up even more.

"I have a paper due!"

"Email it." Tony pushed Peter at the backdoor of the car, watching as the teen opened it with shaking hands. Once Peter was safely inside, Tony went around the other side and got in himself. There was no danger of Peter running off, of course, Tony had put on the child's lock.

"We're good," Tony told Happy, who started up the engine and started driving.

Peter pouted on the other side of the seat, his face screwed up in anger as he crossed his arms and stared out the window.

"Peter," Tony started, his voice already warning in tone. "You can't act like a child every time we go in for a doctor's appointment. It's not that big of a deal!"

Peter huffed.

"You're not acting like the adult I know you are. It's just a poke!"

"It's not!" Peter protested, throwing his hands up. "They say that, but it's not! It's painful and it burns and I hate it!"

Tony shook his head, closing his eyes tightly just to open them back up wide. "Peter, you need your vaccines. It's the last one, dude, just get it over with!"

Peter huffed.

The rest of the ride was silent, with Happy stealing careful glances at the father/son duo in the rear-view mirror, Tony angrily watching his son pout, and Peter staring out the window, an expression plastered on his face somewhere between a grimace and a glare.

"We're here," Happy said softly. It was best to stay out of things like this.

Tony hopped out of the car, then went around the back to get Peter. When he opened the door, Peter was looking at him red-faced.

"You put the child lock on?"

"After last time?" Tony raised an eyebrow. "Yes. I wasn't having you jump out of the car on the highway again."

Peter rolled his eyes, but let his father drag him out of the car and push him into the doctor's office.

"I'm not going to let them stick me," Peter hissed at Tony when they were all checked in. "I won't let them. I'll web them to the wall."

"Sure you will, Spider-dork. One look at the needle and we both know you'll start crying."

Peter gasped, feigning hurt. "You're a mean dad. I'm going to tell my therapist all about how mean and evil you were to me when I grow up, and then I'll be famous because Tony Stark was a jerk to his only son."

Tony waved his hand. "Sure."

They sat in silence for a minute, Peter fuming and Tony flipping through a magazine. Finally, Tony broke the silence.

"If you go in there and not break the nurse's arm when she gives you your shot, I'll buy you something. Anything you want."

Peter contemplated it for a moment. There was that one...



"Mr. Stark?" Tony looked up. The nurse was bringing Peter back to the waiting room.

"Was he any trouble?" Tony asked her, his eyes tracking the trail of tears down both of Peter's cheek.

"Oh, no, sir! Actually, this was the easiest shot we've ever given him, he just kept chanting 'gonna get a panda' the whole time. I don't know what you promised, but-" the nurse trailed off.

Tony sent his son a sideways glance, the promise of 'anything you want' catching up to the older man as he watched Peter dig through the basket of stickers.


Peter nodded, holding up a sticker of an elephant. "Got one!"

The two got back in the car, Peter now smiling and laughing and telling Tony all about his day.

"Where to?" Happy asked, looking at Tony in the mirror.

Tony looked over at Peter. "Well? What do I owe ya, kid?"

Peter beamed. "The life-size panda stuffed animal in the window at the toy shop on 3rd and Washington."

Tony shook his head. "Of course. Happy? Take us to the toy shop downtown. The one Peter has a rewards card at."

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