Greying The Mentor

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"On your left!" Peter swung past Steve, who was throwing punches left and right. He shot a web at one of the baddies trying to sneak up on the super soldier, then pulled him up and webbed him to the wall behind them.

"Thanks, Spiderman!"

Peter was one of the best tactical support superheroes on the team. He could get around much easier than the others, and his spider-sense really helped with figuring out who was in the most danger at any given moment.

Speaking of, Peter felt a familiar tingle and twisted in the air, shooting a new web and hurtling towards Natasha, who was on the ground being over powered by 5 HYDRA agents at once. Letting go of his web, the teen launched himself at the crowd. While he flew through the air, he webbed 2 of the guys' guns away, before landing in the middle of the circle next to Natasha.

"Nice of you to swing by," the ex-assassin quipped, throwing punches.

"Really wasn't any trouble," Peter replied, roundhouse kicking one of the men away and webbing another to the wall.

He took care of another guy, then webbed away, knowing Natasha had no problem with only 2 agents.

Peter backed into the corner of the ceiling, surveying the fight. The Avengers were doing quite well, actually.

There's a moment in battles Peter likes to call the tide turner. Its when you can tell who will win. Either the underdogs pull off some crazy plan, or maybe the baddies get an extra shot in. In any case, this is was the tide turner, the moment when Peter thought the Avengers was for sure going to win. What's more, they were going to win without sustaining any serious injuries!

He was wrong.

Peter's senses flared, and he launched himself at an unbelievably fast pace towards the danger. Tony was fighting off a whole group of agents, taking them down with repulsors one by one. Peter didn't see the danger at first, and he crawled up the wall behind the action to get a better look. He was about to call it off as a false alarm, but his eyes tracked to a flicker of movement by the crates stacked behind his mentor. An agent was there, tucked away. He popped up again, and Peter saw the glimmer of a gun being hauled up to the crate, taking aim at Tony.

"No!" Peter shot a web at the gun, but missed. His panicked hands made his hands shake, and his webs weren't going where he needed them to. Tony turned, looking for where Peter had yelled from, and Peter's senses flared again again as the shooter took aim.

Seeing no other options, given his shaking hand and Tony's distracted state, Peter dove in front of the gun, the force of the bullet sending his body backwards and to the ground.

Everything from then on happened in slow motion. Tony whipped around, sending a shot of his own at the shooter before disengaging his suit and gathering Peter into his arms. Steve and Bucky both ran over, trying to provide cover for the billionaire and his kid, while Natasha, Sam, and Clint worked on bringing down the last remaining agents.

"Hey, hey, Peter, look at me," Tony said, his eyes blown wide with panic and worry. "Look at me, look at me." The man ran a calloused hand down Peter's cheek, tapping it lightly to get the boy's attention. Suddenly, there was silence, as the last agent went down. Steve and Bucky were running to get the Quinjet, while Sam, Clint, and Natasha ran to where Tony was cradling Peter in his arms.

"-'m sorry," Peter mumbled, coughing up a little blood. "I was... webs 'ern't work..." The teen's head lolled to the side, pressing into Tony's arm. The smell of motor oil and cologne was comforting, and taking it in made Peter relax.

"Peter you gotta keep your eyes open for me, buddy, okay? I gotta see those doe eyes." Tony was applying as much pressure as he could to stem the blood, but his hands were slick with the warm liquid, and he kept slipping.

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