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Kani's POV

Schools Outdoor basketball court

Jason just had finished his impressive yet fiery speech.

Henry just kept staring hard at Jason, who seems to have no emotion. Henry drops his ball and runs up to Jason.

Without thinking I run in front of Jason with my arms up. I keep my eyes closed tight ready for the punch to the face.

I open my eyes to see Jason blocking Henry's punch from my face. He shoves his hand away and holds my arms down.

"Don't touch her." Jason says, his voice deeper than usual.

Henry steps back startled as well. His hand has a purple bruise on it."Your the pathetic one." He says while laughing.

"Why are you protecting this mistake? She's nothing but below you, just a peasant. So how about I just deal with her just like I did with that
piece of crap over there?" He said pointing at Ryan who was fixing his clothes and hair.

Who does he think he is to call me a peasant. He has some real courage what a brat.

"Excuse me? Just who do you think you are?" I said forcing my arms out of Jason's grip and folding my arms.

Henry bent down to my height. I'll have you know I'm not that short he barely bent his knees.

"I am someone who can actually run a mile and not get tired. So just shut up and crawl back into the hole you came from. You bi***."

Without hesitation I raised my hand and slapped him. I slapped him so hard that there was a red hand print on his face. He was a real jerk and I should've just punched him, but after he slapped me Jason grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to his chest.

"Don't call my girlfriend that."

"Girlfriend?" Veronica, Audrey, and all the kids around us said at the same time.

"Yes, right Kani?" Jason said looking at me. I nodded my head quickly.

What happened to them coming to the conclusion of us dating?

Pretend dating of course.

"Then prove it, prove to me and all the people around us that your dating. No one's gonna believe you." Veronica said, stepping out from the crowd of people.

Her hair was curly, she wore a short pencil skirt, with a off the shoulder v-neck sweater. Her make-up looks like she just slapped it on this morning. She basically just put layers of makeup on her face. Her pores are suffocating.

Jason looked down at me again and he pulled me a few inches away from him. He held my face in his hands while staring in my eyes.

"I'll prove it...just like this."

Hey dudes hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to vote for the chapter.

See you all soon!


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