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I knew exactly where I was going to take her, I walked over to the corner of the living room and opened up the window

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I knew exactly where I was going to take her, I walked over to the corner of the living room and opened up the window.  "What are you doing," Billie asked sound confused by also slightly intrigued.

"Come on," I said climbing out of the window. Billie following me not to far behind.

"Where are we going," she asked as I started to climb the ladder

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"Where are we going," she asked as I started to climb the ladder.

"The roof," I said, continuing my climb. I make it to the top, and Billie Is right behind me.

"This view is beautiful," she says.

"It is isn't it," I say realising how beautiful it really is after taking it for granted for so long. "Me and Lila pretty much have it too ourselves, you can only get up here from the fire stairs and most people think climbing out of there window to walk up the stairs is too dangerous," we both sit down. "Want to facetime my mum?"

"Up here?"

"Sure," I replied, pulling put my phone from my back pocket. I find here I'm my contacts and dial her number on facetime. After a few rings she picks up. "Hey mom," I say.

"Hi," she sounds, distracted but I just ignore it.

"Okay, so this may come as a bit of a shock, but, I'm going to be going on a world tour with Billie, Billie Eilish, she is a singer you can look her up. But I will be gone for three months,"

"Yeah, yeah okay that's great honey, I have a meeting now so I have to go,"

"Okay by I love y-" she hung up and I laid down, not wanted Billie to see the sadness written across my face.

"Hey are okay okay?" She said stroking my head.

"Yeah, she is just bust with work, it sort of takes up her whole life," I say sighing.


"Yes?" I say confused as to why she would use my full name.

"Will you be my girlfriend, like officially, I mean we can't be out to the world but to pur close friends and family," I could tell she was nervous and she kept her eyes clued to the floor.

I sat up and turned to her still not having said a word. I lifted her chin up with my finger so she was looking into my eyes, and I was looking into her's.

I pulled our face's closer together until they were almost touching,and just lingered there for a few seconds feeling a connection buzz between us.

She then became impatient and closed the gap between us, her lips were soft, and they tasted of strawberry lip gloss, her tongue grazed my bottom lip begging for entrance, which I then granted. Then a battle for dominance started, but course she won. She wrapped her hands around my neck, and I held her cheeks in my hand. 

Soon we both had to pull away, after being deprived of oxygen. "So I'm taking that as a yes," she joked as we both stood up.

"Nah it was a break up kiss," I joked back as she fake pouted.

"God I wish I could just parade you around and show you off to the world," she said spinning me around.

"Stop iittt," I whined. I was never good at taking compliments. I didn't do it in an attention seeking was, I just simply didn,t believe in what the other person was saying.  

We climbed down the ladder and took one last view on our little platform, the sun was just begging to set and it was beyond magical. Billie was focusing on teh view but I couldn't help but admire her. 

"God your eyes are so beautiful it actually hurts me to look at them because I know at some point I will have to look away," she snaps her attention over to me, which is when I realise I just said that out loud.

I can feel my  cheeks burning up and turning a deep shade of red. "I'm guessing that wasn't meant for me to hear," she let's out a small laugh.

"No it wasn't, it's true though, they are some killer eyes you got there," we both laugh and share a short but sweet, oh so very sweet kiss.

We then climbed back through the window and sat down on the sofa and watched some TV.


"So you you want me to come pick you up tomorrow, we will all be in a people carrier?" Billie asked.

"If that's okay yeah sure, what time should I be ready," 

"Well the flight it at 7 PM so me and the fam will be here at about 5?"

"Okay sure," we both stand up and walk towards the front door.

"See you tommorow," she says packing me on the lips.

"Don't have too much fun without me,"

"I wont be able to, my heart will ache too much to even talk," she says over-dramaitically closing the front door as she leaves.


"I'm home," I hear Lila call from my room.

"Come here dumbass," I shout, hearing her approach my room. She then walks in with a huge smile spread across her face.

"Why so happy?" I ask as she sits on the chair in the corner of my room.

"Issac asked me out on a date today," she had an exuberant aura buzzing around her.

"That's awesome Lila," I'm so happy for her. She has had a rough ride with boys, most of them have cheated on her and left her broken, leaving me to walk  around and try and put her back together again. I had never trusted any of her boyfriends but issac was different.

"I approve of issac, I think he will treat you good," I say as she walks over and joins me on my bed.

"That's it means alot," I know she is genuine when she says that. As well as being my best friend and roommate, Lila is only 16 so I also see her as sort of a little sister even though she is about to be seventeen and our age gap is only a matter of months. But I feel like she see's me as a big sister. She has no sibling and I think I fill that void for her.

I pull her into a hug squeezing her right. "Are you sure you will be okay without me," I ask.

"I will be fine, I have issac remember," she says. I nod, I trust him to look after her. But he better not abuse that trust.


Did you find the secret message??

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ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now