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Billie had a free afternoon, and no show tonight. she had had a couple interviews this morning, but they were all over pretty quickly. we were travelling for the whole day, and every now and again, we stopped and everyone would get out to look at the view. 

I stayed inside with billie, as we didn't have any security with us, so she wasn't aloud outside of the bus. I could tell she wanted to go outside, every time we stopped, she would squish her face up to the window, trying to see out. 

after a few hours on the bus, being cooped up inside, we were both bored out of our minds. there was nothing on tv, and we had watched all the Australian movies we could find. "hey, you want a soda?" I asked her.

"um, I'll have a fanta thanks," she said, wiping the water vapour from her breath off of the window with her sleeve. 

I walk into the small kitchen area and fill two glasses of ice and pour in the soda, I open the fridge to put the soda back and realise it is pretty full of food. "hey Bil, come here," I call to her. 

"whattt," she whines like a little baby, and I hear her faint footsteps get louder and louder. 

"here," I say chucking her an apron.

"what, you want me to turn into my mum?" she says sarcastically. 

"no," I say putting on my own apron "we are going to cook everyone dinner," her face lights up. I open the fridge and pull out a big bag of vegan cheese. "mac 'n cheese?" 

"duh," she said it in the same way she did in Bad Guy and it made me giggle like little girl. 

we both helped each other, grating cheese and pouring out pasta and acting like this was a math question not even Einstein could solve. finally, after covering the entire kitchen in cheese, we slid the pasta dish into the oven.  

we cleaned up, which took a long time, after all the unnecessary procrastination. we then walked over to the sofa and collapsed. "I didn't realise how tiring cooking was," I said. 

"I have a whole new kind of respect for stay at home mums now," we laughed. "hey come here," she said and I scooted closer to her. 

"what?" I said .

"here," she reached her hand to the top of my head pulling out a cheese shred. we both laughed a little, before locking our eyes together and leaning in, just as our lips were touching my phone started to beep. 

we both jumped out of our skins, and she bit my lip. "oh my god oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said grabbing my face looking at the small amount of blood on my lip, whilst the timer was still going off. "billie th---"

she wiped her thumb across my lip, wiping of the blood and also making me loose my entire train of thought. she smiled when she realised that's why I stopped talking. "sorry, I didn't quite catch that," she said teasing my. 

I rolled my eyes, then realised that the beeping was still going on, "shit, the Mac 'n Cheese, Eyelash, I swear to god if its burnt it will be all your fault," I playfully death stared her and we rushed to the kitchen, pulling out of the dish from the oven relived when it wasn't burned.

"that's fine blame it all on me I don't mind," she cheesily winked, and I through a kitchen towel at her face, to which she seemed highly offended. "I will go tell everyone dinner is ready," she walked out the dining table where everyone was already sat, as we had been in the living room area. 

she walked back into the kitchen and took the pasta dish in, I could tell she was extremely proud the master piece. I took in the glasses, and a couple jugs of water. 

we all sat around the table and laughed whilst eating the slightly too crispy pasta. "I think that this is the best Mac 'n Cheese I have ever had," billie said, her mouth so full, she looked like a hamster with stuffed cheeks. 

"I think that its your ego getting to you," Finneas laughed, pulling out his phone to post a picture of the spread on his Instagram story. 

she flipped him off and Maggie gave her a disapproving look. whilst the whole little scene was going on me and Claudia exchanged entertained glances, wondering how we both got so lucky. it felt so weird to have a family that I felt a part of. I wished my childhood had been like this. 

after we had all finished, we all cleared the table and then we played board games, laughing when we would turn a corner and all the pieces was slide off the board, making us have to start the entire game again. 

I felt like I belonged, it was a good feeling. a real good one. 


I have written a plan for every chapter until the end of the book and let me tell you it took me hours and hours and hours, but now I know how this book is going to end I am super exited and motivated so yayayayaayaayya lmao. 

910 words

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now