65 | Tour

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[65 | Tour]

Tonight Billie is playing the last show of her tour. It will be bittersweet, she loves interacting with her fans, meeting them and hugging them, but I know that she misses home, she misses Pepper, her room, the comfort of her own bed, and all the people. She also knows that she is lucky, she has her family with her, I can't imagine how people cope going on tour by themselves. We all find it lonely, and we are all together.

We sit in the green room, we are here hours early, but we had nothing else to do. I love being at the Venues early, wandering around the seats, when it's quiet, knowing that in a few hours the room will be buzzing with energy.

we were on the sofa in the green room, watching Tv. My head was Laid on Billie's chest. I love listening to her heartbeat, it was like a lullaby. "you wanna sit on the stage whilst I play?" she asks, as I scrunch up my face.

"Won't I be in the way?" I ask.

"No, you could sit at the front, that way you re in the crowd, without being in the crowd. You also get the view over everyone from the stage, I know you have sort of seen it, but it different if you're out there, it a feeling that I can't even explain," she says as I smirk looking up at her, my head now in her lap.

"music nerd," I say to her sticking my tongue out playfully.

"is that a yes?" she asks.

"I mean I guess, seeing as you begged," a smirk at her as she tickles me and a squirm around,

"I'm...... I'm sorry," I say as she continues to tickle me,

"Huh, what was that I don't think I can ear you," she smirks, knowing darn well she can hear me perfectly fine,

"s..stop," I giggle, as she finally let's go and I pout.

"she smiles, Kissing my forehead,"

*** time skip ***

I and Billie walk backstage, hand in hand, we stop in the wings, where the tech people check her mic. "You ready," she says, I nod my head in response. she squeezes my hand and then takes the first step on stage, as everyone screams. I follow her to the centre of the stage, my eyes having to adjust to the bright lighting. Give the crowd a wave and they all scream louder. Billie lets go of my hand and I walk down to the front of the stage sitting down. I dangle my legs over the front, turning back round to look at Billie. The bad guy intro starts, and she begins to jump around the stage. she was right, the energy in the room is unexplainable.

She continues to sing, and the last song on the setlist starts to play. wish you were gay it was always one of my favourite Billie songs (comment what your fave Billie song is for a virtual hug) whenever I heard it, it was like everyone else disappeared.

she began to sing and my eyes were glued to her, she slowly walked over to me, and then sat down next to me at the front of the stage. she was looking out at all the people making eye contact with people as she went, she had this mesmerising way of connecting to all of her fans, she treated every single one of them like they are royalty.

As the end of the song started to approach, she turned her head to me and everyone screamed, making her laugh a little. she looked me up and down and I felt a shiver go down my spine, she then made eye contact with me, and we stared into each other's eyes whilst she sang. when she finished, it felt like it was just me and Billie in that room, she leaned in and pecked my lips, the crowd once again erupted.

we both stood up and Billie held my hand as she walked to the centre of the stage. "hi," she smiled at everyone as the screamed "So if you don't know, this is my last show on my tour, and now I get a break, I'm going to miss playing for you guys, but it will also be nice to have some time off. I just wanted to let you guys know, that I couldn't have done it without you, and especially you," she said turning to me. I bit my lip feeling my cheeks flush as I stared at my feet. "Have a great night guys, I love you all," she waved as we both walked off stage.

we walked back to the green room, in comfortable silence. we sat down on the sofa, and I passed Billie a bottle of water. "Only one more sleep in a coffin until we can sleep in our own beds again," I said, thinking about how much I missed not having to worry about rolling out onto the hallway in the middle of the night.

"only one sleep until we can sleep in one bed together again," Billie said with a smirk as I pushed her shoulder rolling my eyes. we grabbed all out our stuff and headed out in the cold, to our tour bus.

"Let's go home," I say stepping up onto the bus as the doors close behind me. Me and Billie head upstairs to the living room area, whilst everyone else sits in the seats downstairs.

"I'm not going to miss this place," Billie laughs sitting down,

"me neither, although there were some good memories made on this bus," A few of the great moments we had on tour flashed before me.

"Like paris," Billie smiled

"yeah, like Paris," we both face each other, and Billie's eyes flicker to my lip, as she leans to, pressing our lips together as we move in sync


I'm trying my best to udate every week day, i have so much school work, but im tryingggg

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