38 | Friends

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[38 | Friends] 

We had the whole of today on the tour bus traveling to Switzerland

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We had the whole of today on the tour bus traveling to Switzerland. we are all sat down stars in the area of the tour bus that was more like a coach. Billie was playing her music through the speakers. we sit in the seats, as Bad guy is playing, and we all jump around like little kids. 

I walked up the stairs to go to the toilet and maggie pulls me over. "whilst Billie is occupied, we are Picking up Danielle the twins, and Lila from the airport, they are going to surprise Billie," maggie smiles, and my face lights up. 

"relly, she will love that," we finish our conversation and then Maggie goes back to organizing things. 

I was beyond excited, mostly just to see Lila again it had been too long since I had seen her last. when I returned down the stairs. I tried my best to contain the excitement. 

once we had all got too tired to bounce around to music, we broke off into the coach seats of two. 

I and Billie had a Table of four to ourselves, and we sat opposite each other, next to the window, being our childish selves, we were playing twenty-one questions

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I and Billie had a Table of four to ourselves, and we sat opposite each other, next to the window, being our childish selves, we were playing twenty-one questions. we knew each other so well by this point, but we had still never really talked much about our separate lives before we had met. "Kids?" Billie asked me.

"yeah sure, someday I would love to have kids.  Favorite color?" I ask

"what kind of a boring-ass question is that I don't know, green maybe black. Something you're scared of?" 

"I don't know, isolation, not physically, in fact, i enjoy being on my own, but isolation mentally, when there can be millions of people in a room with you, but you still feel unbearably alone," Instead of asking Billie a question I just look out of the window, I feel her eyes watching me, at first I think its because she wants to continue playing, but as I turn my head to face her, her eyes are full of understanding, and something else I can't quite figure out. 

her lips part to speak, when the bus slows to a halt, she looks outside, and changes her speech "where the fuck are we?" 

"come on," I say grabbing her hand knowing we are at the airport. I drag her out of the tour bus, we are laughing and running slightly, being totally caught up in the moment. it was one of those moments, one you know for a fact you will always remember, so much so that you can feel it. 

we step into the airport, still messing around when Billie turns her head "Oh my god guys!" she spots Isaac, Eli, Dani, and Lila and runs over to them. Damn, I didn't expect this moment to feel like this, I thought reuniting with these people would be great, instead of our little world just got pulled apart. Little did I know, that would be truer than I ever could have guessed.

I walk over to join the group, ad Lila engulfs me in a hug "you seem happy," she whispers in my ear.

"I do don't I," I reply as we pull apart and a smile spreads across my face. we all exchange hello's and hug's and then get back on the tour bus and drive over to the venue. Billie and Finneas go to soundcheck and the rest of us go look around the venue before it is full of people. 

"So, you and Isaac?" I say to Lila, and the others walk ahead. 

"Yeah, he is great, and of course I miss you tons but yu not being home also means the house is empty, so he can stay over all the time," she says half-joking half not. 

"oh, okay, I see how it is then," I playfully roll my eyes at her. 

when the concert begins we go down to the front. we were just going to stand in the crows, but there were loads of people and i didn't want a repeat of last time, so we have I part of the floor sectioned off, at the front, just for us. 

I had a great time, but i couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.


would you rather an update every day or whenever i write (because i write around every three days and three chapters and release one every day right now) 

i.e more chapters when i do update but less frequently, or one chapter a day ??

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now