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5  don't be cruel to me...

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"So Tris, tell me about it." I look up at him, making our way towards, nowhere in particular.

Just wanted to walk around.

"My parents wants a divorce." He muttered, my heart skipped a beat because of what he just said. I couldn't put my thoughts into words, so much is going on right now.

Whenever I went over to Tristan's, I would always hear arguing and loud thuds and sometimes even glasses breaking, no wonder they wanted a divorce.

I glance at Tris' watering eyes, I couldn't help but give him a warm—heartfelt hug. "Lee..." he whispers between sobs, "Tris." I rub circles on his back, trying to calm him down.

"Sorry I-I couldn't tell you s-sooner, they only announced i-it the time t-that we were face-timing." He stuttered, I felt really bad for the kid. He always had a great relationship with his parents.

"It's okay Tris." I said, still hugging him. We stood there for a couple of minutes that felt like forever, not complaining though.

"Want to grab a drink?" I suggest, pulling away. He nods in agreement and we started heading towards the small cafe down the road.

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There was an awkward silence between us two, until the waitress sent our orders. I thanked the waitress and she smiled sweetly, I turn back to Tris who still had a huge frown on his face.

"I'm sorry you had to be involved in this shit." He muttered, angrily. "Hey, no. It's absolutely fine." I sigh, "I'm a friend so you can talk to me." I smile sadly at him, he didn't respond, just smiled.

Minutes later, he told me how he felt about the situation which clearly, isn't good. He also told me how they would joke about them getting a divorce which is honestly ridiculous. I tried my best to comfort him, yet he wasn't doing any better; he got more upset. He loved his parents together, he also told me how devastated his younger sister was, Millie.

Unfortunately, Millie had gone to another place somewhere in the UK, she studied far from home and would promise to come back when she'd finished.

"I think you should rest." I said, standing up from my seat. Walking over to his side, "Come on." I said, he stood up and I picked up my coffee slowly, I swear I can never get enough of coffee. Tris on the other hand, got his hot choco.

"Thanks for this Lee." He said, looking directly at my eyes. His eyes were pink, puffy and tired-looking, I didn't like that look on him. "Anytime Tris." I smile at him, I couldn't help but hold his hand because of the serious guilt I felt for him, he clearly didn't deserve this.


"Should I grab you some water?" I said while tucking Tris in bed, "Stop treating me like a child Lee." He chuckles softly and tiredly, "It's the least I could do." I smile at him, exiting the room.

I ran downstairs to grab some water, I let Tris over my house for a bit, dad said it was absolutely fine, since he was also devastated about what had happened.

Minutes ago dad had left for work, he was totally fine with the idea of my skipping school because of this.

Suddenly, with the glass in my hand, the doorbell rang.

I immediately assumed it was Brad.

I placed the  glass on top of the counter and ran to the door, opening it slowly. Well, I guess I was right about who it is. "Hey, why'd you skip school? Are you sick?" He asked, I froze for a second, admiring his look for today. He looked clean, and smart which is extremely hot to be honest.

"Hi, I am not sick." I giggle, I let him in and I heard loud thudding from upstairs, "Someone else here?" Brad questioned, raising a brow. I didn't want to tell him the reason why Tris was here, since Tris doesn't like to spread the news until he's completely okay with the situation.

"Who are you talking to?-  Brad, hey." He said, acting all happy and shit.

which he didn't quite succeed in. "Hey mate, god you look wrecked." Brad commented, I nudge him softly and glared at him. "Yeah, anyways you guys hang in there I'll just be upstairs." He said, walking closer to the glass of water I placed on the counter. "shit sorry I didn't hand it to you sooner." I groan and covered my face with my hands, rubbing then slightly.

"It's fine Lee. Now have fun." He said, heading back to my room.

I slowly turn to Brad who had 'confusion' written all over his face, "Is he alright?" He turned to me, worry seen on his eyes. "Yeah, just... tried." I said, shaking the topic off my head. "Anyways, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at school right now?" I uttered, rubbing my eyes and yawning. "I pretended I was sick, and I couldn't see you anywhere. Thought you were sick." He chuckled.

I wasn't really in the mood right now, considering the fact that my best friend is devastated about something and I couldn't stand seeing him in pain. So I didn't utter a word after Brad spoke, just looked bluntly at the wall.

"Lee?" He sat next to me, still didn't look at him. "Lee, what's wrong?" He pouted at me, which is cute and all but still, no.

"Lee." He sighed, "I wont stop saying Lee until you talk to me."





"for fucks sake Brad, shut up." I groan, furrowing my brows. "Just tell me what's wrong." he whines, poking my shoulder. I swear if this childish bitch wont stop.

"Brad, I'm not in the mood alright? I'll tell you when I'm in a good mood." I said standing up and heading to the kitchen to grab some food, "What do you want Brad?" I said, referring to what he wanted to eat. "What do you mean?" He yells, "The food goddamn it." I said stomping my feet and opening the fridge.

"You have ice cream?"


HEY! lmao. I'm still sick, btw double update!

I am still sick but, I don't know. It sucks.

anyways hope you enjoy this heck of a chapter.

I enjoy updating on pc, which is what I am doing right now.



also hoped u enjoyed the ridiculous pic of brad on at the start, although I wouldn't call it ridiculous but, you know what whatever.

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What Your Father Says • BWSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz