285 9 6

30 • got no degrees and a lot to prove.

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We were sat on her bed in my parents bedroom, it's been a long time since I've been here in this room. I never really entered the room that often and I'm not planning on going in any sooner until now.

"How are you Lee?" She pats my head, "I'm fine mom but you see,"

"I have a crush, dad wont accept it, he wont accept the fact that I like someone and it's getting annoying mom." I sigh and I wanted to whine so bad like a damn child but I couldn't because I wanted to act mature about the situation.

Mom did agree with dad about the study first shit but never said anything nor agreed to anything related to love, for years mom never failed to understand me.

But I doubt this time.


"Well, boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" She said shocked, then stayed silent for a few minutes which made me more nervous than ever before, her emotions were unclear and I think she is very confused.

"You see Lee, it's absolutely fine to love someone, maybe he is the source of your inspiration. Maybe the source of your happiness and instead of being locked here in the house you're going to need to have some fun at some point.

I sighed, "then why is dad acting like that?"

"It's because he wants to protect you, he's scared you might forget about everything when you get yourself hooked up with a guy. All he wants is for you to be successful and have a brilliant mind for good things."

I don't really understand why he couldn't just accept it, him and mom met, they fell in love, and what happened? Did dad die? No.

"Mom can you talk to dad about it? I really want to get this over with." I stood up, heading out.

"Sure dear and one thing." I paused, turning back to her. "Introduce this guy to me, oh before that come come!" She instructs me to sit and I felt comfortable and shy, I know what she was going to do.

"What's he like? What's his name? Is he cute?"

"Well yeah he is but, his name is Bradley, Brad in short." I chuckle awkwardly and unconsciously looks everywhere instead of looking at my mothers eye.

"That's a very nice name, tell me more."


And I told mom everything, how we met, how he looked like so she could have an idea, how things were going between us two, and somehow even inserted Tris into the conversation which was random but he's part of the story too so hey.

We sat there for an hour only chatting about Brad, which was the most enjoyable moment I've ever experienced, I feel so relieved and comfortable that someone finally understood me, like really. I know Tris , Brad and Scar understands me but not like this.

My mom said that she'd talk to dad about this, she was also confused as to why he doesn't like the idea, but also she understands what dad feels.


Rushing back to my room I heard my phone vibrate and I looked everywhere to find it, I couldn't see it anywhere so I looked under the bed, on the bed, on the side table, nothing.

"Lee your phone!" Mom yells and hands me the phone, "It's Bradley." She wiggles her brows and I rolled my eyes sarcastically then answered the call.


"Lee can you come over, Tris, Con, James, and Scar are over, if you're allowed that is."

"Brad I've got to tell you something."


"Mom approves of you." I hold back a chuckle, "What? Your mom?" I could sense he was smiling due to his voice, "Yeah, yeah Brad." I snicker and smiled widely. "I'm fucking glad she didn't act like your dad or else I'd really never see you again!" He laughs. "I'll be over any second Brad, see you."

As I ended the call I ran back to mom and asked for her permission for me to go over at Brad's, "What should we tell dad?" She whispers, "Well, I don't know." I shrug, "Come on." She pulls me towards the stairs and we ran downstairs, giggling every second.

"Hey dad we're gonna go somewhere, be back in a bit." Mom said, "Be safe girls." He yelled as we exited the house and stopped in the middle of the street.

"Where does he live?"

"Around the corner on that street."

"Let's go."

"Wait where are you going? While I'm over at Brad's?"

"I'll go visit a friend near his house I believe. Let's go!"


"Alright mom, here it is." I point at the house and saw Brad on the window talking to Con, "Which one is Brad?" She whispers and leaned closer, "The curly brown haired one." I giggle as he looked out the window and waved joyfully at us. "He's charming, alright I've got to go now, have fun Lee." She waves and walks away.

"Bradley Simpson!" I yelled, hearing loud thud from inside and yelling plus giggles. "Lelith Smith!" Once Brad has opened the door he yelled my name and welcomed me with a warm hug, "I haven't seen you in a long time." I sarcastically said, "Me too." He tightens the hug, "Too much babe."

"Lee!" Connor yelled and joined the very tight hug, the force was insane, causing us to almost trip. "Oh my god guys calm down I-"

"Guys!!" Tristan then joins the hug, fuck I can't handle this any longer.

"Fuck! Guys it's very hot!" I yell and they all backed up and I sighed in relief, "Fuckers! I almost died goddamn it." I breathe for air.

"Where's Scar?"

"Sleeping upstairs."

"Wow seriously?"

I headed towards the couch that was very familiar, sat on it while Brad followed suit, "So tell me about it." He faces me and I turn to him, him giggling while I suddenly rant about how happy I am.

I missed him, even though we just met few hours ago, I still missed this side of him, goofy, happy, and silly side.

"I love you Lee."


Double update y'all, 4 hours till Christmas in here. Woo!

Hope you enjoyed! Share, vote and comment. Only a few chapters left and this story will end I'm so upset whyyyyyyyyyy.

But then a new story will come and I figure it more interesting to be honest.



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