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35 • so all that I keep saying to her...

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

It was now weeks after the fight, it's been a long time and some random girl asked me and Tris if and I wanted to attend some party at their house which was a few blocks away from ours, Tris said yes but only if I come.

I needed time to get away and think so I agreed and the girl squealed and said she couldn't wait for us to be there.

I was a hundred percent sure that dad wouldn't let me go but I've got to think of something else at the moment. Rather then my parents constantly arguing and the fight between the boys.

These school days got harder and challenging, for me it was absolutely fine but really really tiring. All I ever cared about anyways is my freedom.

This day of school was somewhat interesting because most of the teachers were not around and we had the whole period to ourselves since no one was the substitute, which is unlikely.

But then again, shit happens.

Tris and I made our way back to my house, letting me chance my outfit. "Aren't you going to change?" I turn to him, before opening the front door. "No I'm fine with my outfit, reckon it looks good?" He smiles, I nod my head and swirled around to open the door.

Honestly what I'm wearing now is fine but I guess changing clothes is also fine.

Abigail was asleep on the couch and I let Tris inside, mom was home, on the kitchen cleaning. "Mom." I said softly, mom turns her head to me and gave us a wide smile. "Hey guys." She waves and turns back to what she was doing. "We'll be out in a few." I walk closer to her, "Be back early dear." She smiles, I nod and looked back at Tris, gesturing at him to go ahed.

Once he's done that I turn back to mom, "Where's dad?" My eyes wonder, I ended up seeing a plate of brownies and taking one from the plate. "Work." She replied flatly which I got confused by. "Okay." I said in a more asking-like tone.

"Well I'm gonna go change."

She doesn't reply and I made my way up, slowly opening the door and seeing Tris on his phone. He glances up at me and gave me a brief smile, which I returned and once that happened he looked back at his phone.

"Oh god what am I gonna wear?" I mutter and rummage through my closet which was, a disaster may I add. "Maybe go for something casual?" Tris suggests, I liked the idea of it but I only had a few casual outfits, some even used often. Even though I liked the idea, I wasn't really in the mood so I decided I wanted to wear some simple jumper and jeans.

"Reckon this would do?" I show him the two pieces of clothing I chose, "Yeah."


Making our way to the house where the party was suppose to happen, I could already hear the music and loud chatter from afar. The thing is no one told me that there was a stage in the backyard which people could go on and dedicate something or even sing.

"There's a gig in here." I chuckle and turn to Tris, "Yeah, maybe you could go up there." He nudges me softly and I gave him a glare, "Well clearly I suck so." I shrug, I then spotted the bar and pulled Tris with me towards the bar.

"What would you like?" I face him.


"That's it?" I deadpan, "Yeah, I'm paying though." He takes his wallet out and I wasn't in the mood to argue, instead I sigh loudly, but not loudly enough for him to hear due to the blasting music. "Tris you always pay." I frown, "It's honestly fine Lee." He turns to the bartender and tried to get his attention, by snapping his fingers. "Tris I don't think that's a good idea man." I chuckle and reached out to lower his hand.

Luckily the guy looked at us and asked for our orders, I decided to go with something heavy, something like, "One Bacardi and Coke please." I say loudly, "Bacardi? Seriously Lee?" Tris deadpanned, "Yeah I know I'm sorry I'll pay for your drinks soon." I know that wasn't what he meant but I pretended that's what I thought.

"No Lee, not that it's just. Better be sober enough to not do anything stupid alright?" He sighs, I chuckle at him and told him not to worry. Minutes later we got our drinks and went to find a table for us.

I spotted one at a quiet place near the toilet and there wasn't much people on there so we decided to stay there.

I sit down and started to gulp on my drink, I scrunch my face once the alcohol touched my throat. "Woah." I said, chuckling after taking another gulp.

"Jesus Lee you're making me nervous." Tris looks at me concerned and never left his glance at the drink. "Don't be." I smile and placed the drink down, slouched and saw a figure coming up to us.

"Hey! Glad you're here!" I heard a voice which was unclear due to the music and when I looked up I saw two people I didn't really expect to show up and didn't want to see at all.

"At least there's someone we could talk to, right Brad?" Olivia tittered, looking at Brad who was looking like he wasn't having the best time. "Yeah." I scoff and grabbed my drink, holding tight onto it and took a sip. Tris was completely silent and when I looked at him he was glaring at the Coke can he got, looking like he wanted to crush it and throw it at Brad.

"Lee let's leave." Tris leans closer to my ear and whispered, I shook my head. "No, let's not." Honestly I wanted to stay just to see what happens.

"Fine." Tris grunts and leans on the seat forcefully, sighing. "Having a great time Lee?" Olivia speaks to me, I nod my head and sigh. "Liv I'm going to get some drinks." I heard Brad say to Olivia, seriously? Liv?

She nods and I know he isn't really going to get some drinks because he didn't ask what she wanted, I lean further to the seat while Olivia gets on her phone and scrolls.

"Well clearly I'm having fun, are you?" I said sarcastically looking up at Tris. "The same as you."

I sigh and lean my head back, I felt the urge to stay at this party because I really wanted to think of something else which Brad and Olivia made even harder to do so.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the toilet I feel sick." I lie, turning to Tris as he looked back at me concerned. "Want me to come with you?" He offered, sitting up straight. "No no, I'll be fine."


I just wanna say thank you for everyone who voted and read this story, writing this has been great and I really enjoyed your positive responses to this.

Only one chapter left and this story is over, will definitely do a prologue tho ;)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote, comment and share if you wish! ❤️❤️ this story is almost at 2.k which is insane! Share this story to who you think would like it! Much love x.


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