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8 • ...when I'm getting my story straight?

❃゜・。。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。。・゜❃

"Lee, meet Connor." Scarlett tapped my shoulder as I sprung on my heels, to her direction.

I stared at a not so tall guy--although very good looking dude, he had blue eyes and a nose piercing. "Hello." He smiled, reaching his hand out for me to shake.

I gladly did the favor and shook his hand, "Lee." I smiled back, Scar began to talk about how she and Connor met.

She seemed pretty happy about it and I guess she likes her, just, maybe.

She continued to chatter until I cut her off, "Scar, where exactly are we gonna hang?" I raised a brow, sensing the others gathering around us. "Maybe at Tris'?" Brad suggested, shoving his hands on his pockets, it was actually kind of cold tonight.

"Nope, parents has like, a gathering of some sort." He huffs, "Yours?" Brad points at Scarlett, "Can't sorry." She purses her lips and Brad looks over to me, me getting the message.

"Brad you know what will happen." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How bout at mine?" Connor speaks, we all glance up at him and I gave him a huge smile, "If thats okay with you." I said, excitingly. "I mean sure yeah, parents are off for a month so I've got the house all to myself." He grins, Scarlett squeals in excitement.

"Great! Now off we go!" Scar giggled.

Why is she so giggly today?

I looked at Brad who was also looking back at me and I didn't want it to be awkward so I, out of the blue, asked a question.

"Are you okay with this?" I shift closer to him, pushing Tris out of the way.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, he knits his brows together. "Nothing."

❃゜・。。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。。・゜❃

So apparently we got dropped of by Connor's driver today, seems like this man is rich as fuck.

Well I was right when we reached his house.

It was utterly beautiful and very detailed, it had red walls on the outside and had a white roof.

It also had some tall pillars and it was surrounded by good amount of plants making it look mote homey.

But for me it looked like a hotel.

"Wow, Connor." I said, fascinated by the sight of his home. Tristan was already taking pictures of the house which made me giggle and nudged him on his side.

"Cool house, man." Bradley said loudly but sounded quite monotoned. I look over to him and he had his eyes locked to the screen of his phone.

"I think the door is open," Connor spat as he parked the car, "You guys go ahed, if the door isn't open maybe call James." He said as we all climb out of the door, him locking the door then jogs away from us.

"Okay first of all, who's James?" I asked and turned around to face all of them. They all shrugged except from Tris who was apparently staring at something behind me.

"Is that James?" He points, I look around and saw a tall figure. "Maybe." I mutter.

'James' then looks at us confused for a couple of moments then flinched when he realized that Connor may have told him about this.

"Hello, you must be the one Connor was talking about coming over." He walked towards us and immediately I smell his manly perfume which made me scrunch my face a bit.

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