Satan X Reader II

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


Mammon started the day by publicly announcing that he won in a lottery while boasting that he would also hand out gifts, depicting his so-called generosity. Unfortunately, since it was Mammon, what should be a happy occasion became a heaping pile of disaster. As it turns out, the announcement containing the winning numbers were from last year. To make matters worse, Mammon already went on an online shopping spree before he received his supposed prize money, adding more onto his debt. It was expected that Lucifer would not take this well. For now, Mammon was under severe punishment.

What was unexpected though was the real winner which was revealed to be Satan. The bookworm secretly sent you a chat message pertaining this news and ordered you to keep this from his brothers, especially Mammon.

 The bookworm secretly sent you a chat message pertaining this news and ordered you to keep this from his brothers, especially Mammon

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He also mentioned that he would like to treat you to dinner in an expensive restaurant. You were pleased to accept his invitation. It is not often that you could dress extravagantly in Devildom, so you were looking forward to your date with Satan. The beautiful dress from Asmodeus that had been stored away in your closet could finally be used.

Speaking of the fashion icon, since you were not accustomed to dressing up, you sought help from Asmodeus. He was more than delighted to be able to doll you up before a date. Asmodeus initially did some cleaning up on your face, like plucking your eyebrows and applying skincare. Thereafter, he settled on a natural look by applying little eyeshadow and blush. For your hairdo, he braided your hair and placed it on your shoulder. At some point, you had to prevent him from getting carried away because you were only going to dinner not a charity ball. After hours of hard work, you were satisfied with the outcome and profusely thanked Asmodeus.

By the time you left Asmodeus' room and returned to yours, Satan was already waiting beside your bedroom door. Judging by his expression, he was startled by your appearance. You waited for his opinion.

Satan scanned you from head to toe then smiled gently. "You look beautiful."

Your already rosy cheeks blushed a bright red from his compliment. His words might have been empty flattery, but the way Satan looked at you made you think otherwise. "You look handsome." You replied cheerfully, as one should after receiving such kind regards.


Ristorante Six was a fine restaurant that served exquisite meals that portrayed Devildom's unique taste and ingredients. Satan decided on this restaurant, not only because of its popularity but because of how it was highly rated by critics. Additionally, Satan's colleagues recommended the place for taking someone out. Indeed, the restaurant exuded the appropriate atmosphere for romantic dates. This was further proved by the number of couples dining. Well, you and Satan were also included in that category. The thought made you giddy.

Right after you were seated on a table, Satan across you, a waiter appeared and handed you the menu. While you were reading its content, Satan stated. "You can choose anything you like." Of course, you were ecstatic to hear this. The best thing about eating out was when you could eat till your heart's content while someone else is paying. You accepted his offer without any hesitation and picked out your favorite dishes. Usually, back in the human world, your parents would scold you for taking advantage of someone's kindness. However, there was no need to hold back when you had no one to stop you.

On the contrary, Satan ordered quite a few which was odd. Sure, he was not a glutton like Beel but still, his choices were not enough to fill someone's stomach. "Is that all you're ordering?"


"Why? That's so few."

"Well, you ordered so many so I assumed that you wouldn't be able to finish them all. I'll help you with that."

You raised a brow, deeply offended by his words. "You think I can't finish it?"

"Well, I think you can but at the expense of your stomach. You have a habit of overeating till your stomach can't take it. And I'm not fond of wasting food." Satan stated a fact and you could not deny his words. Then, he reassured you. "Don't worry. I won't eat much. You'll get to taste everything you ordered."

You gave up refuting his remarks and huffed in frustration. Satan was too smart and knowledgeable for his own good. Not amused by his logical argument, you threw him an unsatisfied glance. He instantly reacted. "What?"

"You're quite annoying. You always win when it comes to verbal attacks."

"Being well-informed in debates will work to one's advantage. You have to study and know your opponent to find a way to overpower them."

You raised your hands in exasperation after he rebuffed your statement again. "Man, you could have just given me the privilege of having the final say. I was clearly joking. I didn't need to hear your secret to winning debates."

"In a world filled with fake news and misconceptions, you must right what is wrong."

"Alright! I got it. Sheesh. Why are you answering so seriously?" You pointed out but then saw Satan's sly grin. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"

Satan chuckled. "You always get so riled up when you know you're not winning in an argument."

"I'm glad my reaction is entertaining you."

Despite receiving pure sarcasm, Satan announced genuinely. "Thank you! I am enjoying it thoroughly."

Having enough of his teasing, you contemplated on how to execute your revenge on this demon. However, the problem was outsmarting Satan. He would immediately catch a whiff of your plans and may turn the tables on you. That would definitely tickle Satan's sadistic tendencies.

"Why did you go quiet all of a sudden?" The suspected sadist queried.

"No one plans a murder out loud." You admitted.

Satan beamed and abruptly pinched your cheeks. "Ah, why are you so cute?"

You swatted his hand away. "Stop it!"

"Okay, okay." He retreated. "You can stop pouting now. The food is here."

"Be glad. The food prevented me from killing you off right now." You warned and began stuffing your mouth.

Satan released a hearty laugh. "Ah, this is why I love you."

"I hate you too."

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