Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3

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On arriving back to Jiang Court it was already nightfall Officer Wang had come to greet them he bows in respect, "..Advisor you're urgently needed in the far east wing," Cheng Bi Yu nods she glanced over to Officer Zhou, "...This is where we depart-" she pulled out her compass tucked away in her chest walking the path to said location.

Stepping up the stairs the board creaked with every step she made adding to the eerily empty courtyard, the wind blew tremendously strong tonight the owls kept howling and slight rustling here and there in the bushes behind made her anxiety spike.

Cheng Bi Yu's trembling hands sled open the door she slowly poked her head in looking around before cautiously entering, "Magistrate?-" she calls, "..Magistrate Zheng, are you here?-" silence hit her like a ton of bricks getting spooked and practicality freaking out she calls one more time before she attempted to bolt, "-Where do you think you're going?.."

Cheng Bi Yu jolts in her boots petrified, "..Goodness Gracious!-" she loudly exclaimed clutching her chest she slowly inhales and exhales trying to calm her frightened heart, "..You scared the hell out of me!-" she exclaims looking in his direction practically glaring at the culprit who nearly gave her a heart attack.

Zheng Yong stared at his Advisor perplexed he remained silent as he brushed past her, "..Get your gloves on we've got work to do," he instructs Cheng Bi Yu away from death's door sprung into action slipping on her white latex gloves she sprints to his side.

Cheng Bi Yu stiffened beside him
as she observed him examining the corpse Zheng Yong peered over at his Advisor perplexed by his brown nosed expression Cheng Bi Yu asks, "...Is there something wrong Magistrate Zheng?-"

"...What are you waiting for?! Get your scalpel and examine the body...." he roughly pushed her forward, "...Me!" Panicked she gulps looking back at him Cheng Bi Yu was frozen in spot by Zheng Yong's cold look facing ahead her hand trembled
as she held the scalpel momentarily she turns back eyeing him frantically as beads of cold sweat formed across her blemish free forehead.

"...Why do I have to didn't the mortician already examine the body-" Cheng Bi Yu bravely mouths Zheng Yong evilly arched his eyebrows,
"..If I remember clearly this is a case that will be run by us so we have to make sure to investigate it thoroughly," he folds him arm staring intensely.

Cheng Bi Yu stood unmoving,  "..If you're not up for the job then I'll just have to appoint a more competent Advisor," hearing his words that pierced into her skin like splinters Cheng Bi Yu shook her head her lips flattened, "..No need I'll do it! I'll do it! Yes!-" she confidently urged herself beside her aggressively trembling hands.

Without a warning or even knowing what the heck she was doing Cheng Bi Yu goes ahead and makes her first incision to her dismay she had sliced the incision too deep causing the medical wound to squirt out some blood which unapologetically sprayed on her face and unfortunately in her mouth utterly shocked she turns away looking towards Zheng Yong bile built up in her throat she tries not to gauge
"...I think I'm going to be sick!-" she proclaims sour faced for a split second before mountains caved in and everything went pitch black.

The following day Cheng Bi Yu woke with a harsh pounding headache she scrunched up her eyebrows her forehead slightly wrinkled as she eyes  her surroundings, "...Young Master thank goodness you're okay!-" Mei-Liang, Tang Mu Lan's former childhood maid mouths in relief the worry washed from her moist eyes

Cheng Bi Yu's instinctively gawks at Mei-Liang's exceptional beauty that was a tad superior to her's and strikingly superior among Jiang Court's maids. Mei-Liang was a loyalist who kept Tang Mu Lan's secret and would follow her to the ends.

Most of the guards found it weird that Advisor Tang brought a female servant along with him since most Young Masters at the time preferred keeping male servants as they were more effective.

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