Chapter Four

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I lead Jonas past the hallway and into his office, hearing Colton follow shortly behind us. When he closes the door, they look at me expectedly. I take a deep breath before speaking, knowing I'm about to sound absolutely ridiculous. "I don't know who they are or what they're doing here, but they've never heard of you, or Marks, or the Society. Even if they had somehow come from another country, they would know of them."

"Then what's your theory, Iris," Colton asks, leaning against the door, arms crossed. "How did a bunch of teenagers magically appear outside of the Estate without Marks."

"They said they were from the United States," Jonas says, putting his hand on his temples, sharing the headache I'm sure we all have. He walks to the yellowing globe on his desk and spins it slowly, before landing on the area representing Elleany. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but what if they are?"

"Preeminence, you can't possibly be suggesting time travel. They're a bunch of teenagers." Jonas turns around to face Colton, leaning on the front of the desk.

"I'm not, Beta. But, if they exist, then how can we rule it out?"

"You and I both know that they and time travel are very different."

"Says the twenty-two-year-old world leader with the shelf of werewolf novels."

"They're fiction! This is not. And Iris has told me about the action figures in your closet."

"Boys!" I yell, getting their attention. "I don't know a lot about their technology, but is there any chance for something like... I don't know, an alternate universe? That girl in the back had a cell phone." The boys think it over.

"I guess it's possible?" Jonas finally says, before sighing. "Beta, take Iris and ask them if they know anything else. Iris, make sure Colton doesn't take advantage of their lack of Dates until I get back. I'm going to ask our father if your theory's possible."


Colton and I part ways with Jonas and walk back to the probably-non-rebels, who talk in a group. The girl with the starking resemblance to a teenage-barbie-Gwen stands bored in the corner, looking up at us as I force Colton to unlock the metal bars, causing the rest of the group to look up too.

"How did you get here?" Colton asks, to no one's surprise, skipping the small talk. The boy matching his glare answers.

"We were in the parking lot of our school, then we woke up on the mountain, to your guard putting us in handcuffs."

"Remind me to talk to our guards about our shoot first, talk later policy." I hit Colton's arm. The boy takes a step closer to us, but a girl pulls him back.

"Why are we here?" She says. "We obviously didn't do anything wrong."

"Trespassing. And some other things," Colton says, as Jonas returns, standing behind me.

"Father said anything's possible," he whispers, putting his hands on my shoulders, and causing us to look at the group.

"Let them out," I say, closing my eyes.

"What?" Colton asks.

"I said: let them out. Not the Estate, just this cell. They obviously aren't rebels. If this alternate universe theory is true, then they know even less than we do."

"Alternate universe?" The other boy asks. Colton glares at him, and the boy shuts up.

"You do realize that you're still under us, right?" Colton asks me. "Just 'cause you train the guards..."

"Beta," Jonas says, interrupting his brother. I turn to face him, as he takes my hands in his. "Are you sure?" I nod. Jonas looks up at Colton. "Let them out. Transport them to a sitting room. I'll call an emergency Senate meeting. Iris can keep them company while we're gone."

"Jonas, I have..."

"Beta, your Fiancée can wait. The Society comes first. Or have you forgotten?"

"No, Preeminence." Colton turns to the non-rebels. "Come with us." Jonas kisses me.

"Be safe," he says.

"Moleve qui soleil."

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