Chapter 6

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"Hey Mom, I'm headed to Oakland for the weekend," I said. It's been a while since I did the mural in Abel's room. Jax and I have hung out a few times but he always got called away on club business. I tried not to take it personally.

"For what?" She asked.

"To make some cash," I said. "The club I used to work for was bought by some big shot who wants to transform the place into something to appeal to biker wannabes. Anyways, I'm still friends with the manager, who is staying on with the new guy and he asked if I'd come do a mural like the one I did for Gemma. Asked if I wanted to dance Saturday night too."

"You sure about this?" She asked.

"Yeah mom. I'll be back Sunday evening with a few grand," I said. She agreed and I headed out to get in my car and head to Oakland.

I arrived at the club right about noon. Luckily it was Thursday so I'd have today and tomorrow to get the mural done. I got out of the car, grabbing my paint supplies and heading into the club.

"Mikey," I called as I walked in.

"Hey Alex," he said as he walked out onto the stage.

"Hey man. What's up?" I asked as he hopped down and came over to hug me.

"Nice to see you again. The new owners came with a pay boost. Girls are still running me ragged. The usual. You?" He asked.

"Working for my mom," I said.

"You work for the porn production company?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Not a lot of strip clubs in Charming," I said shrugging it off. "Now what's this about a mural?" I asked, looking around at the new decor.

"Yeah, new owner wants to appeal to biker gangs. I guess he's a wannabe himself," Mikey said with a chuckle. "I showed him the mural you did of that Harley and he wants the same thing."

"I can get you a different Harley, but not that one," I said. "That one belongs to a good friend. Father of the kid whose nursery it's in."

"Please," he said with a bit of a pout.

"No dude. It's got the SAMCRO logo on it. No way. I can do the same make and model I guess but that's the closest I will get," I said.

"I've gotta make a call," he said. I knew this wouldn't be good.

I called Jax, going straight to voicemail. I left him a message asking for the make and model of his Harley if he got it in the next few minutes. If not I'd use the same reference pictures just leaving out the SAMCRO decals.

"He's upset. Dropped the price to fifteen hundred," Mikey said.

"Five off cause I won't do the SAMCRO detailing?" I asked Mikey nodded. I rolled my eyes and started to get to work.

I worked straight through Thursday night and by early Friday morning it was finished.

"Hey it looks good," Mikey said as he walked in.

"Thanks," I said, wiping my eyes a bit. I was beyond exhausted and it was probably obvious.

"Here's the fifteen hundred for that," he said. I thanked him and stuffed the money in my bag. I'd deposit it at the bank in a bit.

"And tomorrow night?" I asked.

"You're still good to go on," he said. I nodded a bit and headed off. I was staying in a cheap motel, but it had running water and I really just needed a bed. I checked in for a few days and the guy at the desk gave me a strange look. I knew it was cause this place was mainly used by prostitutes. I tried to ignore him as I headed to the room.

I laid down for a few hours, deciding that I'd call my mom and let her know I'm still okay later that afternoon.

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