VII- Alabasta

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The Going Merry was face-to-face with a giant cat-like fish.

Vivi: A sea cat!

Usopp/Chopper: <scared> It's a sea monster!

Zoro drew out all of his swords and glared at it.

Zoro: It's our first meal in four days!

Luffy: It's food!

(Y/N) yawned and stared at the sea cat uninterested.

Nami: <looking at the log pose> We're on the right track. I hope we get there soon.

The sea cat looked at Zoro and Luffy's determined faces and slowly backed away, scared.

Zoro: Whoa! It's backing away!

Luffy: Go back! Full reverse!

Usopp: <stuttering> W-W-W-W-W-We can't!

Sanji suddenly appeared and ran towards the cat.

Sanji: Don't let it get away! We have to capture it! Now, how would you like to be cooked, cat monster?!

Vivi grabbed a broom and smacked all three of them in the head, sending them crashing to the floor.

Vivi: You can't!

The sea cat quickly swam away.

(Y/N) sat on the ground and looked at Vivi, confused.

(Y/N): What's wrong, Vivi? It's just a sea cat.

Luffy: Yeah, Vivi, you jerk! What're you doing?!

Sanji: <shaken> W... Why... Vivi-chan?

Vivi: You can't eat it! Sea cats are a sacred animal in Alabasta!

Luffy: Tell us sooner!

Chopper: The sea's full of all kinds of creatures!

Usopp was on the ground, twitching next to (Y/N).

Usopp: You got a ways to go if you're scared of things like that. <gets up> Okay then! Here's a story all about how I bravely fought off sea kings in the Calm Belt.

Chopper: <shocked> Fought off sea kings?!

(Y/N): I've had enough of this.

He stood up and walked over to the very front of the ship and leaned over the railing. He gasped when he saw a bunch of ships in the water. They all had the words "Baroque Works" on their sails.

(Y/N): <to the crew> I think we're getting close to Alabasta now.

Vivi looked surprised when she saw all of the ships.

Luffy: There're so many ships! When did that happen?

Usopp: Hey! They're all flying Baroque Works' colors!

Vivi: Its employees have started gathering. The billions, most likely: the officer agents' subordinates.

Nami: Then there are at least 200 men out there.

Vivi: In point of fact, they're the 200 elites of Baroque Works. The bounty hunters you faced at Whisky Peak don't even compare.

Usopp: Should we fire at them while we can? Let's get the drop on them!

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