LIX- Group Fight

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

As (Y/N) and Robin hurried into the room where Chopper and Hogback were, they witnessed the former up in the air, about to suplex the latter into the ground.

All of a sudden, Oara busted through the floor, with his upper torso being visible.

The floor crumbled, throwing everyone off balance.

Chopper: It's Luffy's zombie!!

Hogback: Oars!!

Robin: The floor is going to give way! Chopper, come over here!

Chopper transformed into Walk Point, dropping Hogback onto the floor and hurrying over to his crewmates.

Chopper: (Y/N)! You're all right! Robin and I heard screaming over there and got worried!

(Y/N): Yes, I'm fine now, thanks to Robin.

Chopper: But what happened?

(Y/N): Let's just say that vampire man forced me to remember things I'd rather not think about...

Chopper: Oh. I'm sorry.

(Y/N): It's fine. We have other things to focus on now.

Robin smiled as both Hogback and Cindry fell to the lower floor where Oars was standing.

The ancient giant raised his foot before destroying the floor underneath, setting off a chain reaction of crumbling floors.

(Y/N), Robin, and Chopper started running, trying to hurry out of the mansion.

They three eventually ended up on the bridge of the mansion where they ran into Usopp.

(Y/N): Hey, Usopp!!

Usopp looked surprised at their sudden appearance. He had binoculars with him.

Oars was standing next to the bridge, his height making him able to reach it.

Usopp: Whoa, guys!! We've got big trouble!! Our wanted posters are stuck to Luffy's zombie's arm! He's totally after us!!

Oars: <roaring> STRAW HAT PIRATES!!! COME OUT HERE!!!!

(Y/N): My, he's quite the loud one.

Usopp: Why are you focused on that?! Luffy is going to crush his own band of pirates!!

Robin: It looks like those orders have been given.

Chopper: Is the real Luffy all right?!

Usopp: <to Oars> Why are you interfering with us, Luffy?!

Oars: Luffy? That's the name of my enemy. My name is Oars! Nice to meet you!!

(Y/N): Whut?

Up above, the four heard familiar voices. Zoro, Franky, and Brook were on top of the roof of a nearby building.

They also saw that Sanji was down below where Oars was.

Usopp: Oh, crap! Sanji's in trouble!

(Y/N): He hasn't rescued Nami yet?

Robin: This is unexpected. I thought they would only be after our shadows. Did we cause too much trouble?

Usopp: It looks like they don't care about any of our shadows except Luffy's.

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