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The Straw Hats explained the situation about the drawbridge to Luffy.

CP9 watched them from the Tower of Law.

Kalifa: They overcame Aqua Laguna and made it all the way here. Pretty amazing, when you think about it.

Jabra: Luck seems to be on their side.

Lucci: This time, we have license to kill.

Kaku: It's much easier when we don't have to hold back.

Tsutsumi: Blueno did not hold back, and he was still defeated by Straw Hat. We must not underestimate them at all.

Spandam: <terrified> There are so many pirates!!

He turned to CP9.

Spandam: CP9!! Listen up, guys. I'm giving you the order to kill them, but do it in the Tower of Law. Since there's no guarntee they can even get up here.

He began to cackle.

Spandam: You stupid pirates!! Well, you'll learn that nothing you can do will change things!! Cower before the power of the assassin group CP9!! Bow under the weight of justice, which mere human powers cannot open! And moreover, I now have the authority to use this golden transponder snail to make a Buster Call!!

Robin looked shocked.

Spandam: Yes, just 20 years ago, this was the power that wiped out your homeland, Nico Robin!! And the name Ohara disappeared from maps the following year. Isn't that right?

Chopper: Robin's homeland?!

Sanji: That creepy mask! I feel like kicking him over a waterfall right now!!

(Y/N): <thinking> So her homeland was destroyed by the World Government... Robin...

Robin: Not that!! Stop!!!

Spandam: I love that reaction. What a thrill it gives me. What?! Does that mean I should press this switch to activate the Buster Call? Huh? Hey!!

Robin: Do you realize what will happen if you press that?!

Sogeking: Robin...

Spandam: Of course I do! With just one press of this button on the golden transponder snail, I'll reduce the chance that these pirates can escape the island to nil!! Does it bring back memories?! <cackles>

Robin: It won't end that easily! Just stop it!!

Spandam: You're pretty cocky, aren't you?

Robin: You said that Ohara disappeated from the maps, right?! Can you confirm the existence of people from maps? You people only see the world through such devices! That's why you can do such heinous things!!

She crumbled to her knees.

Robin: If you sound the Buster Call right here and now, not only Enies Lobby but all of you will be blown away too!

Spandam: That's ridiculous! As if they'd attack and kill their own comrades! What are you saying?!

She stood back up and looked at the Straw Hats.

Robin: Twenty years ago, everyone I loved was taken from me and countless lives were turned upside down, and the one attack responsible for that was the Buster Call! That attack is now aimed directly at you, my friends whom I found at last. The more I wish to stay with you all, the greater your risk from the fangs of my destiny! No matter how far across the sea I sail, an unshakable foe continues to pursue me! That foe is simply the world and its darkness. First with Aokiji, and now this time... I've already involved you twice! If this is to continue forever, no matter how kind and compassionate you all are, someday it will be too much of a burden. Someday you'll betray me and cast me aside! That's my greatest fear... That's why I didn't want you to come rescue me! If I'm going to die someday anyway, I want to die here!

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