XXVII- A Miserable Existence

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(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
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(H/L): Hair Length
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(F/C): Favorite Color

Enel started cackling.

Enel: You're telling me to disappear?! No wonder you've survived the game thus far. But do you know who you're speaking to? It seems none of you understand the true meaning of God!!!

(Y/N) heard the devil in the back of his mind.

Devil: This fool is a spoiled brat who doesn't know his place in the world. He's no god.

Enel scanned his opponents' faces.

Enel: <chuckles> An old relic yearning for happiness in Skypiea. A warrior searching blindly for his homeland. Blue Sea pirates hunting for gold. The world is full of problems. What my little lambs desire means nothing to me. There's something fundamentally wrong with this country!

Gan Fall: Stop prattling about trivial things and tell us where God's forces are! What are your intentions?!

Enel: A happy return, Gan Fall...

Gan Fall: "A happy return?"

Enel: Yes. There is a place I must return to. On the island where I was born, people believe God resides there. They call it Endless Vearth. The land there stretched out farther than the eye can see. That is the paradise I seek!! A land that is worthy of me!! It's pointless fighting over a speck of land like Upper Yard for years on end. Listen, the roots of your conflict are much deeper than you know. Think about it. You are not clouds, but you were born in the sky. You are not birds, but you live in the sky. The foundation of this country in the sky is unnatural! Land is a place for land! Humans have a place for humans! And God has a place for God! Each has one place to which it must return!!

Gan Fall: Do you mean that...!

Enel: Nothing is impossible. As God, I am just following the laws of nature. That's how it should be! I will drag all humans down from the sky!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Wyper: How?!

Gan Fall: You're going to destroy the country!!

Enel: That is only natural.

Gan Fall: Don't overrate yourself, Enel! God is just a title for the governor of the country!

Enel: That was true until now.

Gan Fall: This is a world of humans! There is no such thing as "God!!"

(Y/N) felt something moving around in his mind. It was the devil.

Devil: The old man is right. There is no such thing as God. But there is such a thing as a devil! I can end this with just the flick of a finger. No human or beast that ever lived has the power to contend with a devil! Not the Seven Warlords of the Sea, not the Marines, not the Four Emperors, and not even the Pirate King himself! I have the power to completely disintegrate their bodies!! Let me take over!!

(Y/N): <in his mind> No! You'll kill Zoro, Robin, and Nami too!

Devil: Who cares? At least this false god will die too!

As he continued to argue with the devil, Gan Fall charged at Enel, attempting to strike him with his lance.

However, Enel moved out of the way, pointing his fingers at the old knight. Lightning crackled at his fingertips.

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