XXIV- The Battle Begins

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The four remaining vassals of God Enel stood outside the gates of God's Temple in the Upper Yard.

Gedatsu: We <bites his upper lip> mmm mm!! Mm mm mmm!!

Ohm: You realize, Gedatsu, that we can't understand a word you say when you bite your lip like that.

Gedatsu: <gasps> WHAAAA?!!

Shura: <pointing at Ohm> He's trying to say that Almighty Enel summoned us because you let Wyper get away!!

Xeren: <giggling> Now is not the time to fight, boys.

Shura: Shut up, you!!

As the gates to the temple opened, the four vassals got into fighting positions.

Behind them, the commander of the Divine Warriors, Yama, sighed.

Yama: Not again... What are you doing, you four?! You're hopeless.

Shura: Be quiet!!! These guys dragged me down. Thanks to them, I couldn't unleash my full power! If you let me patrol the island alone, I could do a much better job.

Ohm: You sure talk big, Shura, but I'd be happy to show you just how worthless your powers really are against my unbeatable Iron Challenge!!!

Gedatsu: Child's play. Your lesser challenges leave much to be desired!! My Swamp Challenge is the ultimate trial! Care to try?

He stuck his arms out and crossed them.

Xeren: <hiding his mouth with his fan> You do realize that to cross your arms, you must have your elbows out, right?

Gedatsu: <gasps> WHAAA?!!

Xeren: In any event, we all know my Flora Challenge is superior to you fools' challenges.

Shura: That's it—!

Yama: Silence, all of you!!! You are in the presence of almighty God!!!

The group walked through the gates towards God's throne.

Shura: What are you playing at? His throne is empty. Where is Mr. High-and-Mighty?

Suddenly, they heard a loud voice.

???: Gotcha!

A figure shot through the air, attacking the four vassals and knocking them to the ground.

The figure began to laugh as he cartwheeled onto the throne, laying on his side. It was God Enel.

Enel: Did someone say God? I'm right here. You four need some serious training. Pathetic. Surely, you don't want to end up like Satori?

Gedatsu: What the heck was that for?!!

Shura: Please don't poke fun at us.

Xeren: Dearest me...

Ohm: You summoned us here just to tell us that?

Enel: <laughs> I was bored. Anyway, sit down. I get the impression that you for aren't taking our little Blue Sea guests very seriously. They're after the gold.

Xeren: Really?! How did they find out about it?

Enel: Originally, this was an island in the Blue Sea. It's only natural that Blue Sea people would know about it. Tomorrow they will no doubt begin their search. That is why, as of tomorrow, I am opening up all of Upper Yard to you four. You are free to use any challenge at any location. No rules, no limits. We cannot allow anything to interfere with our plans. Maxim is almost complete, and when it is, this island won't matter. <bites an apple> Let us set out on a journey to the world of our dreams.

One Piece (Male Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora