XXXI- The Long Island

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

After encountering a group of giant sea monkeys and a big tidal wave, as well as a disorderly pirate crew with no captain, navigator, flag, or sails that got swallowed up by the wave, the Going Merry drifted on the now calm waters.

(Y/N): <sipping his tea> Finally. It's calmed down now.

Sanji: You seem pretty calm even after all of that...

Nami: Humidity and temperature have stabilized considerably so we may already have entered the next island's climatic zone.

Usopp: Hey, Robin. See anything?

Robin was up in the crow's nest with a pair of binoculars.

Robin: Just this island that's been in front of us for a while now.

Luffy/Usopp: <sweat dropping> Why couldn't you say so sooner?!

Usopp: Listen! Whenever you see an island say this! <motions to Luffy> Go ahead!

Luffy: <cheering> Men! I see an island! Yahoo!!

Usopp: Now you say it!

Robin: <ignoring him> The fog is rather thick.

Nami: Fog, huh? That's not safe. Chopper, keep an eye on our path to make sure we don't run aground.

Chopper: Yes, ma'am!!

Luffy: C'mon, Robin! Do you have any idea how much we've all been looking forward to this island?! Make it count!

Robin: I'm sorry. I'll be more excited next time.

Luffy: It's all right. Keep trying!

Usopp: By the way, isn't anybody curious about that ship back there?

(Y/N): No, not really.

Usopp: No captain, no navigator, no flag, no sail, no energy, no teamwork... That's not how you form a pirate crew!!

Zoro: They probably just got in a battle at sea and lost their captain. Must've been raided too. Lost all their stuff.

(Y/N): <yawning> Who cares about them? They're probably dead now.

Usopp: But there weren't any signs of battle! There was something wrong about the crew. They were just missing that special spark that all pirates have!!

Sanji: Then they probably weren't pirates. Don't worry about it.

Usopp: Hmm... No matter how you look at it though, I think they were pirates. I have a bad feeling about this...

As the Going Merry got closer to the new island, they found that it was completely bare with only very tall trees lining the grassy plain.

Luffy: <excited> There's nothing here at all!! What is this place?! So cool! It's all grass as far as I can see!

Sanji: Man, what a dull place.

Robin: Do you suppose anyone lives here?

(Y/N): Bleh. I don't want to explore this place at all.

Suddenly, Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp all jumped off of the ship and onto the island.

Nami: HEY!!! 💢

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