LXXXIV- Towards the Sun

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Everyone gawked as they watched the officers of the New Fish-Man Pirates be defeated one after the other.

Minister of the Right: <shocked> Those vicious, powerful officers dispatched with utter ease! Such power we have seen!

The Straw Hats all regrouped together as Wadatsumi's unconscious body hit the ground from falling through the air.

Jimbei: You folks live up to Luffy's standard.

Zoro: Couldn't have knocked him further away, Loser-Cook?

Sanji: Shuddup! Now I wish I'd dropped him right on your head!

(Y/N): Can you two stop fighting like an old married couple for five seconds?

Zoro/Sanji: Shut up!! 💢

Chopper: That was awesome, Sanji!

Usopp: Franky!! That laser beam was sweet!!

Franky: Hey, squish down a bit, Chopper. You're ruining the point of this giant robot!

Robin: So what did the robot do, anyway?

Brook: Would your wear a miniskirt for me, Nami?

Nami: Silence.

The people of Fish-Man Island didn't have time to celebrate the defeat of the New Fish-Man Pirates due to the fact was Noah was rapidly descending towards the island.

Everyone started shouting Luffy's name and telling him to destroy Noah to save the island.

However, Shirahoshi stopped Luffy by somehow calling various Sea Kings to stop Noah without destroying it, much to the utter bewilderment of pretty much everyone on the island.

Knight: <voice> I... I don't know how to describe what I'm seeing, b-but... The truth is right there, before our eyes!! Noah has stopped!! And it hasn't been smashed to pieces, either!! Fish-Man Island is saved!!!


After much celebrating and hugging and cheering, the Straw Hat Pirates relaxed next to the Sunny, tired from the fighting.

Robin had an exhausted Chopper lying on her lap.

Robin: Are you going to be all right, Chopper?

Chopper: <panting> Yeah... I'm fine. Using Monster Point paralyzed me so I can't walk for a few hours afterward. But I can fix you up. Anyone hurt?

Zoro: No one as bad as you.

(Y/N): Poor Chopper.

He patted the reindeer on the head. Robin smiled at him.

Franky got teary eyed as he watched the three.

Franky: <crying> It's like a beautiful family portrait right before my eyes!

Nami: Family?

Brook: Yo ho ho! Of course! (Y/N) is the father, Robin is the mother, and Chopper is the great nephew!

Usopp whacked him on the head.

Usopp: Where did that come from?!

Up above, Shirahoshi came swimming down towards the plaza. She was carrying someone and crying.

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