LXVIII- Impel Down Great Escape

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) was woken up by a shout. He had been knocked unconscious by the guards when he had tried to vainly break free from his Seastone chains to stop Ace from being taken.

Luffy: ACE!!!

Next to Luffy stood two people, Emporio Ivankov and Inazuma.

Luffy: <panting> He's not here!!

Ivankov shook an injured guard that he had used to find Ace's cell.

Ivankov: Are you sure this is his cell?!

Guard: There's no mistake!!

Inazuma: It looks like we were a few seconds too late!

Jimbei's eyes widened when he saw Luffy.

Jimbei: <thinking> A straw hat...so that's him! He really came! He penetrated the impregnable prison Impel Down all the way to Level 6!! (Y/N) was right!!

Jimbei started shouting at (Y/N).

Jimbei: Your captain's here, (Y/N)!! He's here!!

Luffy perked up at the familiar name.

Luffy: (Y/N)?! Why'd you say his name, fish guy?!

Jimbei: Straw Hat, your fellow crewmate in right here!!

(Y/N) shook his head, still a little disoriented from being knocked out. Although he knew he was hearing a familiar voice.

(Y/N): L-Luffy...?

Luffy grabbed the cell bars and started shaking them.

Luffy: (Y/N)!! Is it really you?! (Y/N)!!!

He began to tear up as he shook the bars. He fell over tired, due to them being made out of Seastone.

Ivankov: He's a crewmate of yours, Straw Hat-boy? And don't touch those bars!

Luffy: (Y/N)!! You're here!! You're actually here!!

(Y/N) smiled, his eyes getting watery.

(Y/N): I knew you'd make it, Luffy, although you're too late to get Ace...

He took a deep breath.

(Y/N): If you want to go after him, they just put Ace on the elevator! You might still be able to save him!!

Luffy: I'm not leaving without you!! Why are you here, anyway?!

(Y/N): This is where Bartholomew Kuma sent me...

Ivankov: Kuma?

Behind them, a giant spiked ball fell down the elevator, rendering it useless.

Ivankov: The elevator!! I knew it couldn't be this easy! They were ready for us!

A gate closed off the staircase leading up out of Level 6 while sleeping gas began to leak into the room.

Luffy ended up falling asleep immediately, while Inazuma used his Snip-Snip Fruit powers to cut the floor and cover the gate, blocking more gas from coming in.

When Luffy woke up, Inazuma told him the bad news that they were now trapped in Level 6.

(Y/N): Damn it!! It might be too late to save Ace now!!

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