LXXVI- Let Us Meet Again Soon

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Luffy was laying on a bed in the Kuja pirate ship. (Y/N) sat next to him.

Luffy: Sorry for making you guys take this long trip.

He was talking to the Kuja women who were pulling on his skin in amazement.

Kuja: Don't worry about it. We're used to long voyages!

(Y/N) growled as some Kuja pulled on his skin as well.

(Y/N): This is so annoying.

Luffy: I hope they'll get the message.

(Y/N): I'm sure they will, Luffy.

Rayleigh: They should when they see the story. Those actions are undual for you. That's the key. But then, there's one man who didn't seem very sharp. Well, I'm sure he'll be fine.

He and Jimbei were also getting their skin pulled by the Kuja. Cyrene was laughing at all of them.

(Y/N): I know our message will reach them. I have a good feeling about it.


On a snowy island, Robin was sitting in a cart being pulled by a giant rhino.

Armed men were sitting next to her. One of them handed her a newspaper.

Man: This is for you, Robin.

She took it and read the headline. Her eyes widened.

Man: <confused> What is it?

Tears began to fall from her eyes, shocking the armed men.

Men: H-Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?!

Robin: <crying> Nothing... I'm just so happy...

She put her hand on the picture of (Y/N) at Marineford standing next to Luffy. Her tears wet the paper.

Robin: <crying> I knew it... I knew you were okay, (Y/N)... And you're also with Luffy... I'm so glad...

The men looked at each other, confused.

Robin wiped her eyes and smiled, staring at (Y/N)'s face. She read the story.

After a while, she chuckled, her tears slowly stopping.

Robin: <smiling> Understood. <thinking> Being separated from you will hurt, but I'll push through it. I'll get stronger for you and Luffy's sakes.

Men: What is it, Robin?


(Y/N) dreamed that he was lying in his bed on the Thousand Sunny with Robin next to him. Her head was on his chest.

(Y/N): I miss you, Robin. You don't know how much I want to see you right away, but I can't. There's much work to be done.

Robin giggled before her head turned a complete 180° and stared at him. Her eyes were red and her mouth was open as if she was screaming.

Just then, two black arms emerged from her mouth and pushed. Robin's mouth got wider and wider as a pitch black figure with blood red eyes erupted from it.

(Y/N) stared at it, unfazed. He glared at the creature.

Two great wings flapped from the creature's back and two long horns protruded from its head. A monstrous maw with sharp teeth complemented its red eyes, forming a horrible visage.

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