XIII- Alubarna

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Luffy jumped off of the crab, grabbed Vivi, threw her back onto the crab, and wrapped his arm around Crocodile's hook.

Luffy: You bastard!!

Vivi: Luffy!!!

Sanji: That idiot...

Luffy: Go on without me!! I can handle this!! Take care of Vivi!! Make sure she gets to Alubarna!!

Sanji: Luffy! Be careful, there are two of them!!

Luffy grinned at them.

Zoro: Crazy kid... Keep going, Chopper! To Alubarna!!

Chopper: G-Gotcha!

Usopp: Zoro!! You're abandoning Luffy?!

Vivi: Luffy!!

Nami: It's okay, Vivi! He'll be all right! Crocodile's the one to worry about! Luffy's gone against some pretty tough customers. And he's the one still standing!

(Y/N): Hmm... Has he ever fought against a Warlord of the Sea before?

Nami: Well... no.

(Y/N): Hmm... He has to win, then. For Vivi's sake.

Vivi: Huh? B-But...

Zoro: Listen, Vivi. Luffy's going to keep Crocodule busy so that we can get away. The moment the rebels took off, the clock started counting down on this kingdom's fate. If the Royal Army and the rebels clash, Alabasta is finished! You're the only hope of preventing that, which means you have to survive! No what happens to the rest of us!

Sanji: This is something you started. Several years ago, you left Alabasta to take on a shadowy group whose true nature you didn't know. But you're not fighting all alone anymore.

Usopp: <scared> V-Vi-Vivi!! Don't wo-wo-worry!! I'm w-with you!

(Y/N): <smirking> Hmph. I may only have known you for a small amount of time, but I like you. I won't let you see your home be destroyed.

Vivi: LUFFY!!! I'll be waiting for you!! In Alubarna!!

Luffy: 'KAY!!!!

As the group continued on their way, Vivi gasped.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Vivi: There's a sandstorm headed for Rainbase! It's him, I know it!

Everyone looked and saw a big sandstorm in the distance.

As the crab continued moving, Usopp starting making up a story on why crab's walk sideways, while Zoro was using Eyelashes as a weight for weight lifting.

Nami: Stop that, Zoro. You're wasting your strength.

Zoro: Shut up!

Sanji: Ignore those guys, Nami. They have to do something to ease the tension. They're incompetent, especially the muscle-bound fool who got clobbered by one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Zoro: You trying to say something? Say it to my face!

Sanji: I'll say it—you're scared, Zoro. You think Luffy might lose.

Zoro: Me?! Scared?! No way, Pretty Brow Boy!

Sanji: Eh?! Why you... Watch your mouth... you Moss Head.

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