LVI- Shadow Shenanigans

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Luffy grabbed the handle to the door to the big mansion.

Luffy: Excuse me, we're coming in!

Zoro: <sweat dropping> That's way too fast!

He tried to open the door, but it didn't budge.

Luffy: Huh? This door's locked.

He punched the handle off, and the door opened.

Luffy: Hey, now it opens.

(Y/N): <sipping tea> Because you opened it...

The group entered the mansion and were met with a trashed room. Chairs were strewn all over the place.

Luffy: Hello?! Is anyone here?! Gecko Moria!

Zoro: Such a huge mansion and they don't even have one servant?

Sanji: And what's with this mess? It's like someone had a fight here. Maybe something happened to Nami!

On a wall next to a staircase, a pig's head in a frame hung on the wall. It began oinking.

Pig: You know of our master, and yet you still came. I applaud your courage.

Luffy: Huh? There's a pig growing out of the wall.

(Y/N): And it's talking. Hmm...

Just then, a bunch of creatures emerged from various pictures and paintings on the walls of the mansion.

The rug in the room even got up, revealed to be a bear-like creature.

Monsters: Welcome, guests!! Bwa ha ha!!!

Sanji: Are all these zombies?

Luffy stared at them, amazed with sparkles around his head.

Robin: No creature we come across on this island will surprise me.

As the zombies moved to attack the group, the pirates started easily beating them up.

A zombie woman wielding a scythe swung it at (Y/N), but it harmlessly passed through him.

Zombie: <shocked> W-Wha...?!

(Y/N) sipped his tea, calmly.

Zombie: Pay attention!! 💢

The (H/C) haired male grabbed her by the neck with his free hand and jumped, slamming her into a wall, all while drinking tea.

(Y/N): Never interrupt someone while they are enjoying tea.

Eventually, all of the zombies were defeated. The pig on the wall started sweating.

Luffy: All right, that takes care of that!

The pig was then brought down from the wall, with his head still stuck in the frame.

Pig: <nervous> About those other three... They're sleeping tight in the bedroom right now. Good news for you, right? They're just fine!

Franky: You're lying.

Pig: It's true!! Oink! Just go see for yourself!! Right up those stairs! Oink oink!

Zoro: Hm? Wait a second, where's that cook with the spiral eyebrows?

(Y/N): What? Is Sanji gone?

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