LXIII- Sabaody Archipelago

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The Straw Hats, along with Camie, Pappag, and Hachi, relaxed on their ship after eating Hachi's delicious octopus fritters.

The fight with the Flying Fish Riders had ended with Sanji kicking Duval's face so hard that it completely changed it, and he was now "handsome".

Duval was so grateful, so the Straw Hats left the hideout peacefully.

Everyone was now discussing how to get to Fish-Man Island (over a cup of tea, much to (Y/N) and Brook's delight).

Camie: You're on course. So your destination is Sabaody Archipelago.

Usopp: You have to go there to get to Fish-Man Island, huh?

Hachi: We fish-men and mermaids could dive and be there in no time, but if humans dove down, the water pressure would kill you.

Franky: Yeah, even the submarine was at its limit...

Pappag: Attention! You guys don't seem to know anything! Allow me to teach you about the sea around here. Who will? I will!!

(Y/N): Then get on with it already.

Pappag: First, there are actually two ways to the New World! But for lawless guys like you, there is only one.

Luffy: Why?

Pappag: Because the other way is to ask the World Government to let you pass through the sacred land of Mariejois, which sits atop the Red Line. Pirates would never get permission to pass through!

Chopper: People cross the Red Line on foot? What about their ships?

Pappag: Everyone leaves their ship behind and buys a similar one on the other side.

Franky: <pissed> They leave their ships behind?!

Pappag: It costs money and applying takes time, but it's safe, so that's what people usually do. However, you can keep your ship for the route you'll be taking...the seafloor route through Fish-Man Island!

Camie: But the seafloor route is dangerous! Sea monsters and sea kings eat up lots of people and their ships.

Chopper: <scared> I don't wanna go to Fish-Man Island...

Usopp: Me neither...

(Y/N): You said, "And their ships." How do you get a ship to travel underwater?

Camie: In the Red Line, the great wall that circles the world, there's a tiny hole. Oh, but to us it's a big hole! That's where Fish-Man Island is!

Hachi: It's directly under Mariejois. You dive and dive to the seafloor, about 30,000 feet down! It's a good place.

Zoro: Wasn't Sky Island about 30,000 feet up in the sky?

(Y/N): No one's answered my question on how a ship can actually travel underwater to Fish-Man Island...

Camie: At the next island we're going to, we'll coat the ship!

(Y/N): Coat?

Pappag: Look up ahead! We're here!

The Straw Hats all gawked in amazement at the beautiful sight before them.

It was an island with trees all around it and bubbles that floated in the air.

Pappag: This is it! Sabaody Archipelago!!

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