XLI- Enies Lobby

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Luffy: Turn around!!!

He was sitting on Rocketman's shark head.

Nami: Why?! We're already all the way out here!

Lulu/Tilestone: <angry> Why do we have to go back now, Straw Hat?!!

Luffy: That's not what I meant!! Turn around and look!! That frog jumped onto the tracks!!!

(Y/N) peered his head out of the window and saw a familiar giant frog.

Chimney: Yokozuna!!

Kokoro: Oh, him?!

The frog stood on the train tracks as Rocketman came barreling towards it.

Luffy: Look out!! Get outta the way, frog!!! We're gonna hit him!!!

(Y/N): Oh, dear. I don't think frog insides would look good on this train. And some of its intestines will get on Luffy...

Chimney and Gonbe started screaming.

Nami: Now's not the time, (Y/N)!!! 💢

As Rocketman was about to touch Yokozuna, the frog jumped and punched the train, sending it flying off of the rails, and detaching it from the Franky Family's king bulls and house.

Yokozuna landed on Rocketman's head as the sea train went barreling away from the Franky House.

(Y/N): What the hell?!!

Nami: We're not on the tracks anymore!!

Luffy: GRAAAH!! Frog, you little...!!

Yokozuna: Ribbit!!!

Luffy: Don't "ribbit" me! I'm gonna eat you, you jerk!! We'd almost reached Sanji and the others!

Zambai: Kokoro, we'll manage to get to Enies Lobby, right?!

Kokoro: Shut up! I'm doing my best right now, but I can't seem to get out of this weird sea current.

Nami: Miss Kokoro, do you know which direction to go?!

Kokoro: Yeah, mostly. Eternal compasses are standard equipment on islands with stations on 'em!

Nami: Then we'll be fine! I'll watch the sea, you steer!!

Kokoro: Huh? Listen, girlie...

Nami: I'm a navigator!!

Eventually, Kokoro was able to get Yokozuna to come with them as they steered Rocketman to get back on the course towards Enies Lobby.


At Enies Lobby, the main gates were opened. A man is a mask held up a newspaper. An elephant stood next to him.

He was Spandam, the chief of CP9. He was talking to the four people on the couch in front of him.

Spandam: It sounds like Lucci and the others are back. And they've brought me the best souvenirs ever!! Well, really, this is the first time in five years that all nine members of CP9 including yours truly, have been in the same place at once! It's a happy day! And yet...

He started shaking the newspaper he was holding, angry.

Spandam: What in the world is this article?! In this Revolutionary Army leader assassination plot, according to orders you only had to rub out 3 people, but you killed 23!!! If you have an excuse, let's hear it!!!

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