LXXX- Fish-Man Island

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) groaned as he came back to his senses. His body was dry and he was lying on dry ground.

He opened his (E/C) eyes and stared up at the sky. It was bright and there were even clouds! Was he actually on Fish-Man Island or was he in heaven?

He then noticed creatures swimming up above the clouds. He furrowed his eyes and saw the faint outline of a bubble.

Okay, he was definitely on Fish-Man Island. And Robin...

His eyes widened. He realized he was still holding her against his chest. It was extreme luck that they both survived since none of the other crew members seemed to be around.

He tightened his grip around her waist. He heard the sounds of snoring.

(Y/N): <thinking> Ah, Robin's sleeping peacefully. I'm glad we're both alive.

His eyes widened as he sat up staring at the person on his chest. It was Zoro.

(Y/N): <shocked> WHAAAAAT??!!!

His scream woke up Zoro, who mumbled something and rubbed his eye, droopy.

Zoro: Huh? Why the hell are you screaming?

(Y/N): Wh-What the—?! What happened to Robin?!

Zoro: I don't know. At the last second before we went through the bubble, you grabbed me for some reason.

(Y/N): <horrified> How did I mistake you for Robin?!! Nooo...

Zoro: Hmph. You're lucky you did. I was the one who brought you out of water.

(Y/N): And you decided to take a nap after that?

Zoro: What? I was tired. You're welcome by the way.

The (H/C) haired male gloomily let go of Zoro and stood up.

(Y/N): Oh, no... Robin... I'm separated from you once again...

A gloom cloud hovered over him. Zoro sweat dropped.

Zoro: She's fine. I saw Franky grab her before we all got separated.

(Y/N): But we were supposed to have a romantic getaway on this island...

Zoro: Geez, you sound even more depressed than when you were on Gravebone Island.

The green haired male looked at his surroundings. Tall blue-ish coral stretched across the landscape as far as the eye could see.

Zoro: I have no idea where we are on the island though.

(Y/N): We're just going to have to walk around until we find something.

Zoro: I'll take the lead.

(Y/N): No! You won't be doing that. You're just going to get lost.

Zoro: Hey! How dare you talk to me that way after I just saved your life.

(Y/N): Thank you for doing that, but we both know you're atrocious with directions.

Zoro: <crossing his arms> Hmph. Fine then. Lead the way, genius.

The two boys walked for a long, long while, and yet all they encountered was more tall coral.

(Y/N): Damn. How long have we been walking?

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