XL- On the Sea Train

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Kokoro and Chimney led the Straw Hats (minus Nami) behind a garbage dump to a brick warehouse.

She opened the doors to the basement.

Kokoro: The basement has been neglected for 8 years. The sea train itself hasn't been touched in more than 12 years. It may not even move anymore, actually. Nga ga ga!

Luffy: Hey! That would be a problem!

Kokoro laughed.

As they descended the steps into the basement, Kokoro saw that the inside door was open.

Kokoro: Huh? How about that? It's open. There was a lock on the door.

Luffy and Chopper hurried over to the door and opened it.

Luffy: Whoa... There it is. It looks cool!!

The group looked at the giant sea train. It had a shark face at the front.

Kokoro: Just so you know, it's not a proper one. We call it Rocketman. There's no way we could let paying passengers on this one. It's the runaway sea train.

Luffy and Chopper both had stars in their eyes as they stared at it.

Luffy: Rocketman!!

Chopper: It sounds fast!

Chimney: Cool!

(Y/N) just sipped his tea while Zoro looked bored.

Zoro: What's up with that face?

Kokoro: That shark head is attached as a joke.

A door opened on the train, and Iceberg walked out with a suitcase.

Luffy: Huh? Ice guy?

Iceberg: Straw Hat... So you really were okay. It's just like what the pirate girl said. So you brought them here, Kokoro-san?

Kokoro: Looks like you survived, huh, Iceberg? What're you doing here?

Iceberg: The fact that we both are here means that we were thinking the same thing. We just can't help giving idiots a hand, can we?

Kokoro and Iceberg both laughed.

Luffy: Why are they calling us idiots?

(Y/N): Because we are idiots. We're willingly going to Enies Lobby, you know.

Iceberg sat down on a wooden crate.

Iceberg: Use it. I've finished servicing it. Water and coal have been loaded and it's storing the steam right now.

Luffy: So you were getting it ready for us, Ice guy?!

Iceberg: Wait to rejoice until you survive the ride. After all, this was a failure built before Puffing Tom was completed. No matter how much you tune it up, its steam engine can't control the speed. I can't guarantee your lives.

(Y/N): We'll be fine.

Luffy: Yup! Thanks, Ice guy!

Iceberg smiled.

Luffy: All right! Let's go! Guys! Get on board! Granny! We're leaving as soon as Nami comes!

He went to the door to the train and stumbled back a bit.

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