LXXXVI- Punk Hazard

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The Mini-Merry boat arrived at the edge of the fiery island. Everyone got off, and they dragged the boat onto the shore.

Immediately, they began to sweat tremendously from the extreme heat. Fire burned everywhere.

Right ahead of the group was the entrance gate which read "Punk Hazard".

Robin: This is the place, all right. The sign proves it.

Zoro: The emergency alert must have come from in here.

(Y/N) took out a magnifying glass (he was still dressed in his detective outfit) and examined the gate. A very obvious sign was in front of his glass.

(Y/N): Aha! I have found a clue!

Usopp: Everyone could already see that!

(Y/N): <reading the sign> "Danget. Keep out."

Usopp: See, Luffy?! This island is off-limits!

(Y/N): Hm. The insignia of both the World Government and the Marines are on here.

Usopp: Meaning that if anyone was here, they'd be government employees! No point in going inside; let's turn back!

Zoro used one sword to cut through the gate, and everyone strolled in. (Y/N) dragged Usopp behind him.

Usopp: Think about this! You're committing a crime!! Wait, pirates are criminals.

(Y/N): I thought you were supposed to be a brave warrior of the sea now. You'll be fine.

It started to get way too hot so Zoro, (Y/N), and Luffy took off their shirts/jackets, exposing their muscular chests. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Robin also took off her dress, leaving her in a camisole and short shorts.

(Y/N) tied his trench coat around his waist, but kept his cap on. His pipe was still in his mouth as well.

Zoro: <sweating> The entire place is burning up...

Usopp: Okay, but I warned you! You want to pick a fight with the government?! Wait, we already are.

(Y/N): Surely no one actually works here. Did something happen?

Robin: It doesn't seem as though this island was originally on fire. Was there some disaster? An accident?

Luffy: <panting> Man, it's so hot here!

The group continued walking and very shortly discovered numerous buildings on fire. Giant flames burned in the background.

Robin: I don't think these are houses. This must have been a government facility.

Zoro: So were the big fences and warnings a sign that this place got dangerous once the fires started? Or was it always a dangerous facility?

(Y/N): And the fact that the log pose won't point to the island is rather curious as well.

Luffy: <shouting> Hellooo?! Are you here, guy from before?! We're here to rescue youuu!!! Come on out!! Samurai!!!

Usopp: Don't call that murderer down on us!!

The group continued walking through the burning area, sweating an ocean.

(Y/N): Hmm... There is another weird thing...

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