XLVIII- A Crewmate's Sacrifice

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The Marines all stared in shock at the sight of the Going Merry.

Ahab: What is that?!

Jezebel: Judging by the flag on it...

Zurra: It's the Straw Hat's pirate ship!

Ahab: But how?

Jezebel: Is it alive?

Zurra: There have been legends that speak of a spirit that dwells within a ship.

Jezebel: A spirit?

Zurra: It's an incarnation of a ship that has developed a life of its own because it was well cared for and loved.

Ahab: So the Straw Hats' ship was so loved and cared for...

Jezebel: That it developed a life of its own. Incredible.

(Y/N): Hurry! Jump into the sea!

Robin and Zoro helped carry (Y/N) over to the edge of the bridge. They all jumped off together.

Nami, Sanji, and Kokoro jumped off while carrying Chimney, Gonbe, and Chopper. Usopp and Franky followed.

Zurra: Onto the ship! Now!!

The three Nephilim members jumped off.

Pretty soon, all of the Straw Hats, Franky, Nephilim, Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe were on the Going Merry.

Chopper: <sobbing> It's Merry! The Going Merry! Oh, I love you, Going Merry!!

Franky: I...I can't believe it. Wasn't the ship destroyed?!

Nami: Who brought it here?!

Zurra: Your love for the ship did.

(Y/N): What?

Zoro: We'll figure it out later! Everyone, take your positions! We're getting out of here!

Luffy: Phew! That was close! I thought the warships were going to kill us.

(Y/N): <smirking> We're not out of this yet.

He was leaning against the railing of the Going Merry. His body still hurt bad.

Luffy: Hey, Robin! Thanks for help— Mmph!!

Robin used her Devil Fruit power to create a hand that covered his mouth.

Robin: <smiling> Thank you, everyone.

All of the Straw Hats and Franky grinned.

Luffy: Don't worry about it! Hee hee hee!!

Zoro: Save the pointless chatter for after we escape!

Sanji attacked Zoro with a kick.

Sanji: Whaddaya mean "pointless," Mosshead?!

Zoro: Shut up! If we die, it was all for nothing!!

Chopper bit Zoro's leg, angrily.

Chopper: Apologize to Robin!!

(Y/N): Don't fight right now, you idiots!!

Robin smiled and sat next to (Y/N). They intertwined their hands.

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