LXIV- The Most Satisfying Punch Ever

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The Straw Hats and their three friends went to the amusement park where the coating specialist, Rayleigh, allegedly was.

However, they ended up spending a lot of time riding all of the rides there, looking at the attractions, and eating food.

Unfortunately, Camie was kidnapped, bringing an end to the fun.

Luffy, (Y/N), Pappag, and Hachi hurried out of the amusement park to search for any human traffickers they could find.

Chopper and Brook were left to inform Sanji and the others still aboard the Thousand Sunny of Camie's kidnapping.

Luffy's group entered a human shop to see if Camie was brought there.

Luffy was holding the clerk there by his shirt and was yelling at him.

Luffy: Really?! No one came here to sell a mermaid?! Are you sure?!

Clerk: <scared> I-I'm sure!

Hachi: Straw Hat Luffy! If you make a fuss, it'll be harder for us to look!

(Y/N): She obviously isn't in this store.

Clerk: We don't have a warehouse, so the products on display are all we have.

Pappag: <sobbing> Camie!

The clerk motioned to a cell where a large, overweight man dressed as a mermaid struggled to keep swimming in the water that was in the cell with him. He was panting heavily.

Clerk: The only mermaid we have is this girl, Marin. Wanna buy her? I'll give you a discount.

Marin: <panting> Wanna buy me, boys?

Luffy/(Y/N): You're not a mermaid!! 💢

The four left the store and started shouting out Camie's name around the area.

Hachi: Hey, the kidnappers might not have sold her yet. If only we knew which team took her.

(Y/N): Of course this had to happen... Just our luck.

Luffy: <shouting> Hey!! Camieee!!!

Pappag: <sobbing> Aargh!! It's my fault! Amusement parks are like buffets for human traffickers! I knew how much they wanted mermaids...

He talked about how he left Camie for a split second to get her some ice cream.

Pappag: <sobbing> I can't believe that was the last time I spoke to her!! It's my fault! Mine! Amusement parks...

Luffy: Maybe it is, but she was so happy so isn't it a good thing she went to an amusement park?

Pappag: No, it's not! To tell the truth, it isn't good for a fish-man or mermaid to be on this island at all! But Hachi wanted to help you guys, no matter what!

Hachi: Pappag! Don't say any more!

Luffy: Why isn't it good, Octo-Hachi?

Pappag: Camie and Hachi's enemies aren't just the human traffickers. It's all the humans who live in the archipelago!

(Y/N): I think I've heard something about this before...

Pappag: Two hundred years ago, fish-men and mermaids were classified as "fish" and persecuted by humans all over the world. Everyone looked down on them! Until the World Government declared friendly relations with Fish-Man Island, slavery and human trafficking were an accepted part of society! That culture still exists here in the archipelago!

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