XXXIX- Aqua Laguna

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) burst through the pile of roof debris that had trapped him underneath.

He rubbed his head. He couldn't hear anything except for the blazing fire surrounding him.

At the very least there were no devil whisperings in his ear now.

(Y/N) saw Chopper lying under some debris. He quickly lifted it up and pulled him out.

Chopper: <coughing> (Y-Y/N)...?

(Y/N): Are you all right, Chopper?

Chopper: Y-Yeah.

He slowly stood up. He gasped when he saw Iceberg and Paulie both tied up.

(Y/N): We need to get out of here now! Where's Nami?

Suddenly, an mini explosion nearby, blew (Y/N) out of the mansion and into the courtyard below.

Chopper: (Y/N)!!!

The (H/C) haired male landed on the ground. He saw that many shipwrights stood there. He also noticed Nami on the ground, unconscious.

(Y/N): Nami!

Shipwright: H-Hey, you're one of the Straw Hats! I bet you're responsible for all this! Y-You're under arrest!

(Y/N): <standing up> Piss off.

One of the shipwrights jumped to tackle him to the ground, but he went right through him.

The shipwrights stared in shock.

Behind (Y/N), the mansion burned.

(Y/N): Chopper, hang on!! I'm going back in!

Just then, Chopper in his reindeer form burst through a window, carrying Paulie and Iceberg on his back.

Shipwright: A reindeer!!! It's carrying Mr. Iceberg and Paulie!

He also had one of Zoro's swords in his mouth. He was bloody and breathing heavily.

(Y/N): Chopper!!

Chopper collapsed onto the ground.

(Y/N): No!!

He rushed forward and knelt next to Chopper. The shipwrights did the same.

Shipwright: Hurry and treat them!! Those burns are awful!!

Shipwright: Hey, what should we do with this reindeer?!

Shipwright: Treat him too!! He saved their lives!

Some shipwrights turned to look at (Y/N).

Shipwright: Y-You stay away, okay? After we treat them, we're gonna make you tell us where the other Straw Hats' locations are!

(Y/N): <deadpan> What?

He stood up.

(Y/N): Listen, you morons, we did not try to assassinate Mayor Iceberg or set the mansion on fire! It was some secret government agency.

Shipwright: And we're supposed to believe that?

(Y/N) rolled his eyes.

(Y/N): Just treat them! When Mayor Iceberg wakes, he'll sort this all out.

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