LVII- Monster Mash

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Luffy shot up from the ground, holding up his fist and growling.

Luffy: Give me back my shadow!

Franky put his hand on Luffy's face to stop him from moving.

Franky: Calm down! Moria isn't here!!

Zoro and Sanji came to their senses and stood up as well, confused.

Luffy: Hm? Where am I?

(Y/N): The Thousand Sunny.

Zoro: Sunny?! Why are we back where we started?

He looked down and saw that he had no shadow.

Zoro: But it's not a dream... My shadow is gone!! This feels weird.

Luffy started running with a block of cheese in his hands.

Luffy: This is horrible!! All our food is gone!!

Everyone walked into the kitchen and pantry. It was pretty empty.

Sanji: All that food we stocked up on was pilfered. The only thing left is dried food.

Luffy: Cheese and dried bread isn't enough! Meat!!!

(Y/N): At least my tea wasn't stolen. Those bastards wouldn't live to see tomorrow if it was taken...

Zoro: <face palming> I'm sorry. I was caught completely off guard!

Luffy: <gloomily> My pirate lunchbox is gone too. Cheese isn't enough... Cheese isn't enough...

Sanji: By the way, I don't see Nami...

After Usopp told him that Nami was kidnapped, Sanji almost exploded.

Sanji: She was kidnapped?! Why didn't you follow her to the ends of the earth?!! Who kidnapped her?! I'll go and get her back right now!!!

Usopp: Sorry! But it wasn't really possible for us to go after her! I'll explain everything now! Listen! Right now, there are two things that we have to get back!

Luffy: Meat!! Nami!! And shadows. That's three.

Usopp: Uh... I really don't think one of those would make the list. Anyway, let me talk about Nami and the shadows first.

He told them about a man named Absalom and how he kidnapepd Nami so he could marry him, and that Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji's shadows were stolen and put into some zombies. Luffy's was put into an ancient giant named Oars.

Franky also talked about how the zombies' weakness is salt, and that the shadows will be released if used against them.

Sanji burst into flames when he heard that Nami was going to be married.

Sanji: Getting married?! That's bull!! I won't let it happen!!!

Luffy: He wants to marry Nami? That guys got some guts. Also, I'm a giant...and that's how zombies are made?

(Y/N): So we just need to find the three zombies with you guys' shadows in them and put salt into their mouths.

Zoro: I'm surprised you found that weakness.

Franky: It was the skeleton who told us about the weakness and advised us to come back here first.

Luffy: What?! You saw Brook?!

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