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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

As the Going Merry floated on the water, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji dumped out the stuff that was in the bags. It was a bunch of random crap.

Nami: Tell me you at least tried to find something that we can actually use.

(Y/N): This is supposed to be treasure?

Luffy walked around in a rusty suit of armor that he had found.

Nami: This is just a bunch of scattered junk, not a single clue about how to get to the sky island.

Zoro: There wasn't anything there, believe me. We looked.

Sanji: If there was something else out there, we would have found it. The ship looked like it had been raided or something.

Nami: Look around, boys! This is why we need more information! Intelligence means the difference between life and death for this crew! If we're going to sail to the sky island, we need more information to stay alive! Or whatever happened to that ship could happen to us too!

While Nami was yammering on about stuff, (Y/N) rummaged through the junk. The (H/C) haired male raised up a feather.

(Y/N): Why the hell is there a feather here?

Luffy: It was in a treasure chest.

(Y/N): A feather was in a treasure chest?

Luffy: Yeah.

(Y/N): Whelp, I've concluded there's nothing useful in this pile of crap.

Nami started angrily kicking the pile and punched Luffy's armor, destroying it.

Zoro: <shocked> Whoa!! She broke through the armor!

(Y/N) leaned on the railing next to Robin, who was sitting on it. She giggled.

Robin: Poor Navigator is having a tough time.

(Y/N): She does have to deal with those fools everyday.

Robin: Here. Maybe this will help.

She held out what looked like an hourglass with a compass needle in the center. Nami looked and saw it.

Nami: What? An eternal compass... This...

Robin: I took it from those monkey people's ship earlier just in case.

Nami: <anime tears> You're the only one on my side!

(Y/N): Okay. Screw me, then.

In the background, Luffy waved around a small octopus.

Luffy: Look, an octopus! Let's make dinner!

Robin: <sweat dropping> It must be quite tough for you.

Nami looked at the eternal compass and read the name on it.

Nami: Jaya... It must be their headquarters.

Luffy: Jaya? Are we going there?

Nami: That's your decision, idiot!

Luffy: Alright!! Jaya rudder full!

As the Going Merry sailed for Jaya (after a completely useless argument over whether to go there or not), Chopper looked up at the sky, watching three seagulls fly. All of a sudden, the three seagulls fell onto the ship, dead.

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