XCII- Stay Off Drugs, Kids!

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The Straw Hats watched as Chopper roared, and the kids attacked him.

(Y/N): Is that his idea of discipline?

They watched as the kids started beating up Chopper.

(Y/N): Er, I guess not.

The Straw Hats and Kin'emon jumped off Brownbeard and hurried to the balcony where Chopper was.

The kids ran past Chopper, who turned back to normal. One of them even stepped on him.

Kids: Head for the Biscuits Room!! Our candy's waiting for us!! Candy, candy!!

The Straw Hats arrived, and Nami picked up Chopper. They ran with the kids.

Nami: Chopper!! What's going on here?!

Kin'emon: <calling> Momonosuke!!

Usopp: Explain the situation to us!

Chopper: Oh...hey, guys! I'm so glad you're here! I can't handle them anymore! Caesar's trying to turn them into huge, violent soldiers! You need to stop these kids, right now! The Biscuits Room is down the hall to the left! That's where their candy is!

The group reached the entrance to the Biscuits Room, causing the kids to celebrate.

Robin: Mille Fleurs!! Gigantesco Mano!!!

Two giant hands sprang up from the ground, blocking the kids from going any further.

Chopper: Nami! There's a girl named Mocha who's kept her senses and helped me out. We were working together to stop the others, but now she's in danger! She's watching over the candy in the room!

(Y/N): Oh, dear... That's not good. These brats will do anything to get that candy.

Kids: Get these stupid hands outta our way!! What are they doing here?!!

The kids started jumping, kicking, scratching and biting the hands angrily.

Robin flinched, as the damage to the big hands went to her actual hands.

Robin: They're so violent! I don't think they'll be easily subduced!

(Y/N): <angry> How dare you brats attack Robin?!! I think you all could do with a nice spanking!!

Nami: (Y/N), stop! They don't know what they're doing! They're drugged!

Robin: I'm fine, (Y/N).

The kids broke past the hands and ran towards the giant girl, Mocha, who was holding holding the bag full of "candy".

Chopper: Run for it, Mocha!! Run for safety!!

The girl started running, but she was blocked by the arrival of Monet. A large snow wall was also covering the exit to the room.

Monet: Now, now, Mocha. It's not fair to hog it all. Play nice and share with the others.

Zoro: Who the heck is that?

Usopp: AAAAH!! It's her!! Remember when I told you about the bird-woman?!

(Y/N): She's working with Caesar!

The air suddenly grew colder as snow began to fall, quickly building up on the floor and walls of the room.

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