XVII- The Falling Ship

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The Straw Hats were getting used to Robin being on board their ship. She was currently talking to Usopp and (Y/N).

Robin: I was an archaeologist by the time I was eight. Then I had a bounty put on my head.

Usopp: An archaeologist?

Robin: I come from a family of them. For the next 20 years I hid from the government. But a child can't live on the high seas alone. I survived by joining various outlaw gangs. As a result, I became an expert at operating in the shadows. I can be a big help to you.

Usopp: Hmm... You're very confident. What's your specialty?

Robin: Assassination. <3

Usopp: <crying> Luffy!! Upon interrogating her, I've concluded... She's too dangerous!!

Luffy and Chopper were busy playing with the hands that Robin summoned around them.

(Y/N): It'll be fine, Usopp. As long as she doesn't try to assassinate us in our sleep.

Usopp: Noooo!! Don't put that thought in my head!!

Robin: Why would I murder you after I just asked to join you?

Usopp: <hiding under a table> Because you're a bad guy. Hissss!!

(Y/N): Quit it!

Nami crossed her arms as she sat on the stairway railing, overlooking the deck where everyone was.

Nami: She's already won Luffy and Chopper over, the idiots. And (Y/N), too. He's completely smitten with her.

(Y/N): <blushing> Smitten?! What the hell?

Nami: How foolish! A few days ago, she was the vice-president of Baroque Works. That woman was Crocodile's partner! You may have fooled Luffy, but you can't fool me. You make one wrong move and I'll throw you out!

Robin: <giggles> Yes, I'll keep that in mind. By the way, I brought a few of Crocodile's gems with me.

She took out a bag and placed it on the table she was sitting at. Nami swooned over to her.

Nami: Oh! Sister! I love you!

Usopp/Zoro: <sweat dropping> Hey, hey, hey, hey!

(Y/N) rolled his eyes.

Usopp: Nami's hooked too!

Zoro: What a dirty trick.

Just then, Sanji came twirling over to Robin's table with food and drink. He had hearts in his eyes.

Sanji: I made you a snack.

Robin: Thank you.

Zoro: And there he goes.

Usopp: He never had a chance.

(Y/N): You two need to calm down. She's not bad. She's the one that gave Luffy the antidote for Crocodile's poison.

Usopp: No! You're getting lured into her trap! Don't fall for her, (Y/N)!

(Y/N) growled and grabbed Usopp's face, squeezing it.

Usopp: Ow, ow, ow, ow!!

(Y/N): I am not falling for her!!

Zoro: Yeah, right.

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