IX- Journey Through the Desert

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The group walked through the scorching hot desert, panting and gasping all along the way, especially Luffy.

Nami: Stop gasping, Luffy. You're making me tired...

Luffy: <panting> Haaah... I'm so hot... I'm out of sweat.

Chopper was lying on a sled being pulled by Zoro.

Chopper: I can't go on. I can't take the heat. I'm adapted to the cold.

Usopp: It's your fur. Why don't you take it off?

Chopper angrily turned into his Heavy Point form and yelled at Usopp.

Chopper: <angry> I'm a reindeer, you idiot!!!

Usopp: AGH!! A monster!!

Zoro: Chopper, if you get big, I'm not pulling you!!

(Y/N) rolled his eyes and pushed his (H/C) bangs out of his face.

(Y/N): This is annoying. I hate to sweat. It makes my clothes wet and makes them uncomfortable.

Nami: Take your shirt off or something?

(Y/N): I don't want to get a sunburn. Those are also annoying. <yawns>

Chopper and Usopp smugly looked at Nami.

Usopp: Oooh, I see. You want (Y/N) to take off his shirt? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chopper: Hee hee. How mischievous, Nami.

Nami blushed in embarrassment and angrily smacked both of them on their heads.

Nami: NO WAY!! 💢

(Y/N) yawned again and walked away from them.

Sanji: The heat doesn't seem to be getting to you as badly, Vivi.

Vivi: This is my home. I'm used to the heat.

Luffy: <panting> But why are there so many dunes? It's like climbing mountains.

Vivi: This is an ancient desert. The biggest dunes are over one thousand feet high.

Usopp: One thousand feet!!? That is a mountain!

Luffy: Water...

He grabbed a barrel full of water.

Nami: Just a sip, Luffy. Just enough to wet your lips.

Luffy took a huge sip and filled his cheeks full of water.

Nami and Usopp both angrily punched his head, causing water to spray out, while Sanji yelled at him. The boys started fighting and rolling around.

Vivi: Stop fighting!! You're wasting energy!!

(Y/N): <sighs> Idiots.

The group continued on with their trek. They stopped at some crags, but ended up having all of their supplies stolen by a bunch of birds.

However, they encountered a giant lizard which they killed and cooked. In the process, they also saved a camel that would only let women ride on him. Nami named him "Eyelashes".

It soon turned dark as their journey continued. Sand started blowing everywhere. It was quiet until Vivi pointed at something.

Vivi: Up ahead! I see a light!

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